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ON CLIMATE CHANGE | Photo essays by Alessandro Albrecht, Matteo Capone, Emilio Perillo, Olga Shapovalova

Termin Label
Nachgeholte Eröffnung
Bildende Kunst
Rom – Forum Austriaco di Cultura | Österreichisches Kulturforum Rom, Viale Bruno Buozzi 113

Die Ausstellung ON CLIMATE CHANGE zeigt die Ergebnisse eines Fotowettbewerbs, der vom Österreichischen Kulturforum , der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Fachbereich Kunst und Fotografie) und dem Istituto Europeo di Design Rom (Dipartimento Arti Visive) organisiert wurde.

Montag - Freitag | 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr

Die Student_innen der beiden Universitäten wurden gebeten, sich Gedanken über die Themen Klimawandel, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umweltschutz zu machen, die zu den dringlichsten Problemen unserer Zeit gehören.

Zerfallenes Haus in Berglandschaft
Emilio Perillo, The burial of the dead , 2020

Die Arbeiten der vier Preisträger_innen zeigen unterschiedliche Zugänge zur komplexen Problematik des Zustands und der Zukunft unserer Umwelt. Sie wurden unter einer Vielzahl an Einreichungen von einer Jury, bestehend aus Martin Guttmann (Wien), Alessandro Imbriaco (Rom) und Georg Schnetzer (Forum Austriaco di Cultura Roma) ausgewählt.

Zur Ausstellung ist ein Katalog erschienen, er liegt am Kulturforum auf.

Landschaft mit Industrieanlage
Matteo Capone, SIN , 2020

"The Studio Art and Photography of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is happy to present the works of Olga Shapovalova and Alessandro Albrecht.

The topic of these works and of the show in general is the response of young artist photographers to the complex problematics of the state of the environment. As any thinking person in the world knows these are some of the most urgent problems of our times and it is interesting to see how young artists reflect on them.

We wish to thank the Austrian Cultural Forum Rome for inviting our department to take part in the exhibition as well as the Dipartimento Arti Visivi des Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome for their contribution.

Olga Shapovalova's work in the show concern some specific aspects of the greater complex of environment destruction. The location of the photographs is a landfill where garbage is stored in a location near Moscow. The trees or bushes in the photograph grew from that contaminated soil. The image she chose has a double meaning: on the one hand it provides a direct observation of what happens to contaminated areas; on the other hand it speaks of the resilience of nature even in very adversed conditions. Olga use of Infrared film provided a dramatic image of the situation.

Allesandro Albrecht's work is consciously related to action painting and expressionist abstraction. You can see in his images influence of  Pollock, de Kooning and also the sculptural work of Chamberlaine. The expressive visual effects are produced by photographing plastic garbage naturally changing the meaning of the artistic references and invites us to think about the relation of abstract expressionism and the overproduction of such toxic dispensable material.

The points of view seem relevant and interesting as responses of artists to environmental problems in our age."

Prof. Martin Guttmann

Künstliche Landschaft mit roten Bäumen
Olga Shapovalova, the country of the crimson forests

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