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Pablo Toulouse | Has animation grown to be a powerful story telling tool for marginalized topics?

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Atelier Süd

Die Akademie freut sich die Gastkünstler für das Jahr 2017 bekannt zu geben. Den Auftakt im Sommersemester macht Pablo Toulouse (März-Juni) gefolgt von Susana Pilar Delahantes Matienzo (April-Juni) sowie Midori Mitamura and Juliana Dos Santos (beide im Wintersemester 2017/18).

Mit dem Artist-in-Residence Programm ermöglicht die Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Künstler_innen aus so genannten "Drittstaaten", i.e. aus nicht-EU Ländern, die Möglichkeit eine dreimonatige Residency wahrzunehmen. Insbesondere Künstler_innen aus Ländern, die der Schwerpunktsetzung der Internationalisierungsstrategie der Akademie entsprechen, sind angedacht. Die Residency wird in Kooperation mit mag das HOTEL, dem social business Hotel der Caritas Services GmbH, umgesetzt. Finanziert wird das Programm durch einen Teil der Gelder, die über die Verkäufe der Akademie-Auktion lukriert werden konnten. Die Residency Künstler_innen halten Workshops für Studierende der Akademie und einen jeweils einen Artist Talk.

Den Auftakt im Sommersemester macht Pablo Toulouse , Animationskünstler aus Argentinien. Pablo Emanuel Toulouse studierte am El Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de la Municipalidad de Avellaneda (IDAC), Buenos Aires und ist freier Gestalter, Storyboard Illustrator und Animator. Seit 2013 unterrichtet er Animation am Image Campus (Buenos Aires).

Schon als Kind hatte er zwei große Leidenschaften, das Kino und die Illustration. Als Teenager entdeckte er etwas, das diese beiden Leidenschaften in einem Format zusammenbrachte, das Animationszeichnen. Seinen Lebenslauf zeichnen viele kommerzielle Animationsprojekte aus, aber freie unabhängige Animationen sind ihm seit jeher wichtig. Er sieht seine Zeit an der Akademie in Wien als Möglichkeit mehr auf visueller Ebene zu experimentieren und Strategien zu entwickeln, die Animation als Werkzeug des Widerstands zu nutzen.

Pablo Toulouse ist Gast der Akademie und wird als Artist in Residence vom Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-Conceptual Art Practices) in der Leitung von Marina Grzinic aufgenommen.

Pablo Toulouse, Amazonas , 2016


20.03., 13.00 h, Atelierhaus, 1. OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Introduction of the animation artist and teacher Pablo Toulouse from Argentina

03.04., 18.00 h, M13a
Artist Talk

Animation as a medium for the DE-construction of Eurocentric identities

In the public lecture Pablo Toulouse will present his work dealing mainly with the colonial construction of stereotypes and identities of the colonized through the use of animation, comic books and graphical novels. His lecture will be therefore an attempt to de-construction of Eurocentric identities. Navigating through issues of race and class a research on the sources of production, distribution and consumption of such material will be presented. He will connect the function of education that animation has always had especially on children as a starting point of his thoughts.

Pablo Emanuel Toulouse concluded his studies at the El Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de la Municipalidad de Avellaneda (IDAC), Buenos Aires, and is till today layout, storyboard illustrator and freelance animator in diverse projects. Since 2013 he teaches Traditional Animation for the studies of Animation at Image Campus (Buenos Aires). He describes his work as developing from the time he was a kid, having two big passions, cinema and illustration. As a teenager he discovered something that combined these two passions in one format and that is animation drawings. His biography is really extensively filled with commercial animation projects as well with counter animation. He sees his time in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as a time that will allow him to experiment more on a visual level and develop strategies that induce thinking on animation as a tool of resistance available to everybody.

For the time of his Residency at the Academy Toulouse will be affiliated with the Studio of Conceptual Art (Post-Conceptual Art Practices) lead by Marina Grzinic. In the time of his residency at the Academy Pablo Toulouse will have a public lecture, a full workshop/seminar and a final presentation summing up workshop/seminar/research.

08.-09.05., 10.00-14.00 h, 15.05-16.05 10.00-14.00 h, 22.-23.05., 10.00-14.00 h, Atelierhaus, 1. OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Animation Techniques Workshop: Thinking through animation the decolonial and queer realities

um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Cecilia Tasso ( )

Pablo Toulouse with a focus on resistance and subculture on one side and the whole topic of research on queer identity, and postcolonial constructions on the other will provide a workshop for everybody at the academy how to use animation as a tool and weapon of mass and counter culture strategies. The workshop is in three blocks in May 2017. The first block is about basic animation techniques together with a short introductory history of animation with a specific focus on animation in political and social movements and animation as a tool of resistance. The second block will be dedicated to traditional animation techniques, chosen for the reason that these techniques are easy to learn and understand and they have very small costs of production. The third and last block will be the production of a short animation film developed by the whole group that took part of the workshop. It will have a strong point on how to create platforms and strategies that allow a self-organized group of people to create and produce animations.

30.05., 18.00h, Atelierhaus, 1. OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Has animation grown to be a powerful story telling tool for marginalized topics?

Pablo Toulouse will revisit what was seen in the workshop and showing the material that has been produces out of it, in an open presentation. He will focus on one of the most prominent faces of animation, animation as praxis of resistance. Analyzing productions through history that developed new spaces for topics such as gender, sexual identities other than heteronormative ones, socio-economic issues such as structures of power and capitalization of resources. Question to be envisioned is “Has animation grown to be a powerful story telling tool for marginalized topics?” and how it influenced generations with politics of metaphors?

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