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Sustainability - Whats the point of art? I

Sustainability - Whats the point of art?Workshop I] THEORYThe impact of art in an age of ecological transformation in theory and with accompanying practical experiments.Waste of resources, a long overdue de-groth, real sustainable concepts and other similar phenomenons in the context of art forming the playground for this workshop. A main objective is to support art students to build bridges between their artistic practice and the concept of sustainability in content and production. Beside the personal coaching, we will analyze art project examples and we try to separate the wheat from the chaff. We do focus on finding qualified results and answers to questions like: - Which artistic strategies promote development and transformations, and which are counterproductive?- What role do psychological and emotional factors play, including the responsibility of journalism and media for the quality of contemporary processes of transformation.- How art can contribute to redefining luxury.- Mechanisms of the unexpected such as the "Pareto"- principle and the phenomenon of "Serendipity".- Strategies and methodologies to establish "Impact Science" as a controlling device. - The concept of material and in-material ready made.- Why we need to rethink and update the SDG from the UN, and why they are a subject to a hierarchy.- How can we evaluate or measure the impact of art on the process of global transformation?In addition to these sustainability-related topics, general production conditions that accompany such projects are also addressed: Project management, financing, personnel structures and pre-preparation for practical implementation of art projects. The visual artist Rainer Prohaska studied Experimental Media Art at the 'University for Applied Arts' in Vienna and is particularly interested in phenomena and objects of everyday life, which he puts into an art context in a humorous way and in an adapted form. Since 1999, he has been realizing projects that artistically address issues of ecology and sustainability. For these works, the NPO "FUTURAMA LAB" was founded, which stands out for increasing content of various SDG's of the UN in the field of art. > WWW.FUTURAMA-LAB.ORGFor the first time in 2007, he built a research vessel for the Danube. 27 artists have traveled from Austria to the Black Sea since then. This Artist & Scientist In Residence programme is called 'MS-FUSION' and takes place once a year in the Danube region between Linz and Sulina. > WWW.MS-FUSION.NETRainer Prohaska, Lives & works in Vienna.FUTURAMA LABArt & Science for Ecological TransformationsThe FUTURAMA LAB is an unique art organization, that combines art and science to innovate the global ecological transformation. It promotes, develops and communicates artistic creation with a focus on sustainability and ecological change in society. A scientific reflection plays an important role in these creative processes. The focus is on producing artworks, that accompany ecological change, and the support of the people entrusted with them.There are two requirements for artistic productions, to qualify them for a realization within the framework of the FUTURAMA LAB: the artistic works must have an ecological content and the production of these works must take place under sustainable conditions.
Title Sustainability - Whats the point of art? I
Description Sustainability - Whats the point of art?Workshop I] THEORYThe impact of art in an age of ecological transformation in theory and with accompanying practical experiments.Waste of resources, a long overdue de-groth, real sustainable concepts and other similar phenomenons in the context of art forming the playground for this workshop. A main objective is to support art students to build bridges between their artistic practice and the concept of sustainability in content and production. Beside the personal coaching, we will analyze art project examples and we try to separate the wheat from the chaff. We do focus on finding qualified results and answers to questions like: - Which artistic strategies promote development and transformations, and which are counterproductive?- What role do psychological and emotional factors play, including the responsibility of journalism and media for the quality of contemporary processes of transformation.- How art can contribute to redefining luxury.- Mechanisms of the unexpected such as the "Pareto"- principle and the phenomenon of "Serendipity".- Strategies and methodologies to establish "Impact Science" as a controlling device. - The concept of material and in-material ready made.- Why we need to rethink and update the SDG from the UN, and why they are a subject to a hierarchy.- How can we evaluate or measure the impact of art on the process of global transformation?In addition to these sustainability-related topics, general production conditions that accompany such projects are also addressed: Project management, financing, personnel structures and pre-preparation for practical implementation of art projects. The visual artist Rainer Prohaska studied Experimental Media Art at the 'University for Applied Arts' in Vienna and is particularly interested in phenomena and objects of everyday life, which he puts into an art context in a humorous way and in an adapted form. Since 1999, he has been realizing projects that artistically address issues of ecology and sustainability. For these works, the NPO "FUTURAMA LAB" was founded, which stands out for increasing content of various SDG's of the UN in the field of art. > WWW.FUTURAMA-LAB.ORGFor the first time in 2007, he built a research vessel for the Danube. 27 artists have traveled from Austria to the Black Sea since then. This Artist & Scientist In Residence programme is called 'MS-FUSION' and takes place once a year in the Danube region between Linz and Sulina. > WWW.MS-FUSION.NETRainer Prohaska, Lives & works in Vienna.FUTURAMA LABArt & Science for Ecological TransformationsThe FUTURAMA LAB is an unique art organization, that combines art and science to innovate the global ecological transformation. It promotes, develops and communicates artistic creation with a focus on sustainability and ecological change in society. A scientific reflection plays an important role in these creative processes. The focus is on producing artworks, that accompany ecological change, and the support of the people entrusted with them.There are two requirements for artistic productions, to qualify them for a realization within the framework of the FUTURAMA LAB: the artistic works must have an ecological content and the production of these works must take place under sustainable conditions.
Code 050405
Term Sommersemester 2024
Hours per Week 2
Instruction Language Englisch
Teaching Activity ID WS
Teaching Activity Name Workshop
Type Erstausbildung/Weiterbildung
Learning Objective The ability to think, plan and implement sustainable content and production conditions in individual art projects. Raising awareness of concepts that can be counterproductive from the point of view of a supportive method for global transformation. Learn the skills to translate this theoretical preparation into practical actions to get a realistic implementation plan for these projects.Ideally, the final part of this theortic block forms the transition to the practical experiments planned for the continuing WS "II] PRACTICE".
Form of Assessment Immanent nature of the examination:AttendanceDeveloping raw conceptsGiving presentationsHOMEPAGE: SPRECHSTUNDE: By arrangement or at the end of each workshop-block
Syllabus URL
Exam URL$ctx=design=ca;lang=de&$scrollTo=toc_overview

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