Field of Study
We believe that architecture is an intellectual construction of ideas tied to its socio-economic and political context. Architectural production needs to be alert and inquisitive, while at the same time innovative, inventive, and critical. Consequently, we educate and encourage our students to experiment with ideas through research, testing their projects’ credibility and viability through implementation in practice. If you are interested in architecture as a domain in which you exercise your intellectual capacity and tirelessly pursue arguments for a better world, where you insist on making a difference in how we inhabit the environment and are interested in dialogue and debate, the IKA at the Academy is the right choice. We are looking for the best students who are interested in investing in the future of architecture.
Upcoming Events
How to build in times of climate crisis?
Lecture by Barbara Buser / baubüro in situ within the framework of the IKA Lecture Series FORM SPACE ENVIRONMENT – Towards New Correalisms, curated by Hannes Stiefel.
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
Ground floor
Room 211aArt and Architecture
FORM SPACE ENVIRONMENT – Towards New Correalisms
Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture (IKA) in Winter 2024-25, curated by Hannes Stiefel
Lecture series
Art and Architecture