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Psychological Counselling for Students

1. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers its student psychological counselling :

We offer counsel and support with:

  • Problems, crises, and conflicts, both in creative-artistic work as well as private life
  • Difficulties in working together with study colleagues and teachers
  • Uncertainties and fears, also in view of planning for the future
  • Emotional conditions that are difficult to deal with when alone

Counselling, crisis intervention, short-term psychotherapies, as well as referrals to other professionals are offered. Counselling is offered free of charge and is of course confidential; by request also anonymous.

Contact and Appointments

Mag.a Elisabeth Höchtl-Wallner: T +43 (0) 664 8088-71106.
Consultations every Tuesday between 8:30 h and 12:30 h

Mag. Alexander Parte: T +43 (0) 664 8088-71107.
Consultations every Wednesday between 8:45 h and 11:15 h

Consultations are held at Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 1, fourth floor (door plate reads: Beratungsstelle).

Head of the Counselling Service: Univ.-Prof. Dr. August Ruhs
(T +43 (1) 535 62 32  or T +43 (0) 650 99 33 44 9)

2. An alternative to the Academy's counselling service is provided by the Psychological Counselling Centre of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF):

T +43 (1) 4023091

3. For acute crises you may inquire at the following:

Psychosoziale Dienste Wien
This psychiatric emergency service is available around the clock for emergency and crisis situations.
Daily, 24 hours, 365 days a year
T +43 (1) 31 330

Psychiatric Emergency Clinic at the Vienna General Hospital (AKH)
Also open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Daily, 24 hours, 365 days a year
1090 Wien, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
T +43 (1) 40400-3547

Crisis Intervention Centre Vienna
No appointment necessary, for professional or private crises, up to 10 hours of consultation, very short-notice appointments also possible.
Monday to Friday 10 h - 17 h (by appointment)
1090 Wien, Lazarettg. 14A
T +43 (1) 406 95 95

Acute Care Vienna
A staff member of the acute care will provide on-site emergency consultation.
Available 24 hours a day through the first responder number 144

4. Drugs and Addiction

Ganslwirt - Detoxification Centre
The first station for drug and alcohol problems. Walk-in or call.
Daily 24 hours
Open for Crisis Intervention
1160 Wien, Esterhazygasse 18/Ecke Gumpendorfer Straße
T +43 (1) 586 04 38

Anton Proksch Institute , Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
The Anton Proksch Institute is the largest clinic in Europe for addiction and has the goal of researching and treating all forms of addiction, whether alcohol, prescription medications, nicotine, and drugs, as well as so-called non-substance addictions such as gaming, Internet addiction, shopping, etc.
1230 Wien, Mackgasse 7-11
T +43 (1) 880 10-0

5. Women 's Advising Center

Verein Frauen* beraten Frauen*
Advice centers:
1010, Seitenstettengasse 5/7
1060, Lehargasse 9/2/17
anonymous web-based advice:

6. Men's Advising Center

1100 Wien, Erlachgasse 95
T +43 (1) 603 2828

In urgent cases you can contact the University Clinic for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090  Vienna; Tel:+43 (0)1 40400-30610