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Completed Projects

Mobility Survey (2022)

The Quality Development Department conducted an academy-wide mobility survey as part of the Climate Action October 2022. The aim of the survey was to obtain information from students and staff about their mobility practices and to gather suggestions and ideas for sustainable and climate-friendly mobility at the academy. The results of the survey are used for measures in the area of ecologically responsible mobility, e.g. for the Mobility Directive.

Poster about the key findings of the mobility survey. (German Only)

Evaluation The Academy Goes to School (2021/2022)

The evaluation of The Academy Goes to School  was conceived in close consultation with everybody involved and focused on their specific issues and interests. Central questions were: What impact did and do AgidS activities have both on target groups and the Academy as an institution? What memories, experiences, and expectations are measures associated with in the target groups? What are the possibilities for further development of AgidS?

The methodological design of the evaluation was based on a mixed-methods approach. Qualitative interviews were conducted with persons from the target groups as well as with staff and students of the academy. In addition, the quantitative data of the Opportunities Monitor was evaluated regarding relevant questions for AgidS.

Final report

  • Evaluation von Akademie geht in die Schule (AgidS). Ergebnisbericht. (German Only)

Survey on Distance Learning (2020)

In the summer semester 2020 the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – like all other Austrian universities – switched to distance learning due to the Covid-19 prevention measurements. It was a concern of the Academy to support teachers and students during this time as much as possible. Therefore a survey among students as well as a survey among teachers was conducted to explore the transition in the first weeks. The objective of the survey was to find out how all those involved were coping with the situation and to identify further support measures.

Final Reports

  • Umfrage zur Distanzlehre. Erfahrungen aus Studierenden-Perspektive. Ergebnisbericht. (German only)
  • Umfrage zur Distanzlehre. Erfahrungen aus Lehrenden-Perspektive. Ergebnisbericht. (German only)

Study about Academy Graduates (2019/2020)

The study is a differentiated analysis of career paths of graduates who completed their diploma, bachelor’s or master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna between the study years 2000 and 2018. The focus is on the impact that their studies had on graduates’ careers. The results were obtained on the basis of an online survey and biographical-narrative interviews. The survey and analysis work were carried out by the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) on commission of the Academy.

Final Reports

  • Studienerfahrungen, Tätigkeitsfelder und künstlerisches Selbstverständnis der Absolvent_innen der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (2000-2018). (German only)
  • Absolvent_innen der Akademie. Abschlussjahrgänge 2000–2018. Kurzbericht. (German only)

Evaluation of Gender/Queer Lectureships (2018)

The evaluation focus was on how the offering and the teaching was perceived by students and lecturers, how they assess the thematic emphasis, and integration, of the gender/queer lectureship program, and what they would like to see in the future. The results polled led to the further development of the gender/queer lectureship program.

Final Report

  • Evaluation der Gender-/Queer-Lehraufträge Sommersemester 2018. Ergebnisse der Studierenden- und Lehrendenbefragung. (German only)

Study Course Analyses at the Institute for Education in the Arts (2013/2014)

The study course analyses investigated the development of students of the study program Education in the Arts. The general aim was to show examples of good practice, to identify hurdles for students, and, not least, to pour its results into future measures for good study conditions.

Final Report

  • Studienverlauf am Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt. Studienjahre 2007/08–2012/13. (German only)