Forms and Documents
Begin of the Study
Handbook Center for Doctoral Studies
Recommendation Exposé Dissertation/PhD project
Deadline extension for submission of the Dissertation Agreement
Handout "Completion of the Doctor of Philosophy / PhD-in-Practice"
Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.phil.)
Dissertation Agreement Dr.phil.
Approbation of the Dissertation Dr.phil.
Admission to the Thesis Defense Dr.phil.
Doctor of Science (Dr.rer.nat.)
Dissertation Agreement Dr.rer.nat.
Template cover sheet Dr.rer.nat.
Approbation of the Dissertation Dr.rer.nat.
Admission to the Defensio Dr.rer.nat.
Doctor of Technical Science (Dr.techn.)
Request for the Doctoral Studies of Technical Sciences
Template cover sheet Dr.techn.
Approbation of the Dissertation Dr.techn.
Admission to the Rigorosum Dr.techn.
Form Examination Panel Dr.techn.
PhD Project Agreement PhD-in-Practice 2021
Template cover sheet PhD-in-Practice
Approbation of the PhD Project PhD-in-Practice 2021
Admission to the Defensio PhD-in-Practice 2021
Form Examination Panel PhD-in-Practice 2021