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Über Malerei: 2023 retour 1991 / Suse Krawagna

Event Label
Organisational Units
Fine Arts
Location Address (1)
Eschenbachgasse 11 | at the corner of Getreidemarkt
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna

Suse Krawagna in conversation with Kirsten Borchert and Luisa Kasalicky.

Über Malerei is a talk series initiated by the studio for Art and Image | Abstraction in 2013. Students, alumni, faculty and quests meet do discuss contemporary painting exclusively through the means of original works.

Two pictures painted by Suse Krawagna are shown. What exactly connects the two images although one is dated to 1991 and the other one to 2022? How decisive is the influence of content on the formal realisation and form in turn to content? Which axes between the two images can the object choosen by Suse bundle? Kirsten Borchert is a visual artist and the head of the Silk Screen Printing workshop at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

*Über Malerei und Figure of Speech – Talks on painting are collaborations between the studios for Art and Image | Abstraction and Figuration.
The expanded concept for the new series of Über Malerei will be held over four events commencing in the 2023 summer semester. Artists will be invited to bring in their own painting, which will be exhibited in the Exhibit Eschenbachgasse space alongside a referece object ad a copy of a historical painting.