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From Critique to Community: An Integrative Approach to Quality Management and Ethical Practices in Western Museums

Doctoral candidate:
Leander Gussmann

Diedrich Diederichsen

Project start:

Doctoral studies:
Doctor of Philosophy/Ph.D.

Dissertation project
led by Leander Gussmann, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Project start: 26.11.2023


"From Critique to Community: An Integrative Approach to Quality Management and Ethical Practices in Western Museums" investigates the shifting role of art museums in Europe and the U.S. This dissertation identifies prevalent ethical issues and aligns them with a novel quality management framework. The first half of the study categorizes these issues within the context of institutional critique and artist-led activism. The third chapter surveys museum studies and ethics, while the fourth chapter tests the framework's empirical validity through case studies involving Museum Resignation, Visitor Google Reviews, and negative Press coverage. The resulting concept, comprising six categories: Gender Equality, Decolonization, Racism, Display, Organisation, and Ecology& Sustainability, is mapped into museum quality management to explore current tools for reducing institutional tensions. This research comprehensively critiques Western museums, offering an integrative approach to quality management and ethical practices in museums.

Short biography

Leander Gussmann lives and works in Vienna.