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  • TKI open 21_ausbaden

    TKI open 21 is looking for artistic and cultural projects that tackle "fallout" in the widest sense.



  • Dschungel Wien | Try! Out and Artist in Residence

    This Open Call is directed towards professional artists of all ages from all fields – dance, performance, music and visual arts with diverse backgrounds, education and experience.

    Specifically, we are looking for contemporary project ideas either highly physical and sound/music based or object/material focused approaches for a specific age group between 3 and 16 years. Wild, subversive, anarchistic interdisciplinary projects – applied, fine and performance art – wanted!

    Further information:



  • Emanuel und Sofie Fohn-Stipendium 2020

    The foundation supports highly talented students of artistic disciplines, in particular, fine arts and art history. Also, students who complete post-graduate studies, seminars, or other advanced training are allowed to submit.



  • Graphic Collection | Acquisitions of contemporary art

    Upon decision of the board of the Association of Friends of Fine Arts (GFBK) on 27 November 1996, the Graphic Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna was accorded an annual budget of for “continuous acquisitions of young Austrian art with special consideration given to graduates of the Academy, but also considering related international works of art”.


    Graphic Collection

  • Open Call | Performance Research

    Throughout history theatre and performance have been utilized to subvert authority and enable activities that seek to remain undetected. Within scholarship the concepts of ‘performing ground’, ‘not-not Identities’ and ‘dark play’  represent just a few of the many ideas and areas of investigation that branch out to the world of undercover work. This issue of Performance Research looks to uncover instances of performance that would otherwise remain undercover, which may also be identified as ‘covert operations’, ‘clandestine theatres’ and ‘deceptive practice’.



  • Call | International Obernkirchen Sculptor Symposium

    Every 3 years since 1988 international sculptors are working 14 days on the church square in Obernkirchen. The IOBS is one of the oldest sculptor symposiums in Europe.



  • University of Bologna | Open Arts. New Audiovisual Scenarios for the Circulation of the Arts

    Open Arts is an international conference aimed at exploring new forms of circulation of the cultural heritage and the arts.



  • Open Call | Journal for Artistic Research No. 24

    The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines.



  • Belmont Forum | Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability

    The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative research networking call on the theme: Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability.



  • Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | Wanted: Woodcuts

    Support for artists during the coronavirus pandemic through acquisitions and exhibitions

