Open Days 2007
daily from 10 am to 8 pm
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers a tour through the collections and the departments and studios of the Institute for Fine Arts, the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, the Institute for Art and Architecture, the Institute for Secondary School Teaching Degrees, the Institute for Conservation and Restoration, and the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technologies in Art.
You have the opportunity to make yourself acquainted with the university at work and get an impression of current projects and processes during a tour from 25 to 27 January 2007. Both members of the teaching personnel and students of all courses will be glad to answer the visitors' questions and are open for discussion.
Special events | Guided tours
Special events
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6 pm | Aula (1rst floor, Main building of the Academy)
"Wo werden wir wie wohnen?"
Panel discussion of the Institute for Art and Architecture with Sabine Bitter + Helmut Weber, Thomas Edlinger, Eilfried Huth, Anna Popelka, Heidi Pretterhofer, Wolfgang Tschapeller, Peter Schneidewind
More information (in German)
© con: Rüdiger Lainer
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6 pm | Studio Building | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
"Canned Laughter"
Performative interaction of the Film and Television Studio
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6 pm | Picture Gallery | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3 |
1010 Vienna
"Faszination Antike. Antikenrezeption im Spannungsfeld von zwei Jahrhunderten. Franz Caucig (1755-1828). Valery Koshlyakov (1962). Philip Patkowitsch (1981)"
Exhibition opening of the Prints and Drawings Collection
More Information (in German) |
© Prints and Drawings Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Fri, 26 January 2007, 6 pm | Aula | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3 |
1010 Vienna
"Die drei Grässlins"
Roundtable discussion of the alumni club with Bärbel, Carola and Thomas Grässlin, the well known art dealer, collector and agent family from Germany
Fri, 26 January 2007, 6 pm | Studio Building | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
Performances of Peter Haselmayer, Ana Ex, Nina Stuhldreher and Tilman Wagner
Students of the Conceptual Art department | Prof. Marina Grzinic
Detailed program (pdf 236 KB)
Sat, 27 January 2007, 6 pm | Aula | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3 |
1010 Vienna
"Magazin Textuelle Bildhauerei"
Release presentation of the new magazine of the Textual Sculpture department
Sat, 27 January 2007, 6 pm | Studio Building | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
"Zu: >The Lonedale Operator< von D.W. Griffith"
Workshop presentation and enclosed discussion with Elisabeth Büttner (film scientist) of the Film and Television department | Prof. Harun Farocki
Guided Tours through the Academy's Main building (in German)
Meeting point: Aula (booking not required)
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 5 + 7 pm
Fri, 26 January 2007, 2 + 4 + 7 pm
Sat, 27 January 2007, 2 + 4 + 7 pm
Guided Tours for school classes
Fri, 26 January 2007, 10-12 am
Booking required: T +43 (1) 588 16-226
Main building | Schillerplatz 3 | 1010 Vienna
Studio building | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
Institute building | Karl Schweighofergasse 3 | 1070 Vienna
Main building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Schillerplatz 3 | 1010 Vienna
Visual Arts
Performative Art - Sculpture | Prof. Monica Bonvicini
(1rst floor, Exhibition spaces)
Object-Sculpture | Prof. Manfred Pernice
(1rst floor, Exhibition spaces)
Textual Sculpture | Prof. Heimo Zobernig (1rst floor, Exhibition spaces)
Sat, 27 January 2007, 6 pm | Presentation "Magazin Textual Sculpture"
Abstract Art | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch
(1rst floor, E 4 | 2nd floor, tower 3 + 4)
Installation "o.T." by Kathrin Graser
(1st floor, corridor)
Wall painting by Carlos Humerto Peres
(2nd floor, 222)
Video projection by Johann Lurf (2nd floor, stairs)
Drawing and Graphic Techniques | Prof. Otto Zitko
(1rst floor, E 12 | 1st floor, 111, 114, 117, corridor | 2nd floor, tower 4)
Installation by Anneliese Schrenk
(1rst floor, foyer)
Contextual Painting/Drawing | Prof. Hans Scheirl
(2nd floor, 215, 217, 219, 221)
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 8 pm | Group Performance by "The Sexually Frustrated Egomalerei"
(1st floor, 116)
Representational Painting/Drawing | Prof. Amelie von Wulffen
(1st floor, E17)
Fine Arts with Focus on Performative Techniques | a.o. Prof. Carola Dertnig
(basement, Aktsaal)
Attention! Only Fri+Sat, 26+27 January 2007, 6 pm
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Presentation of main emphasises of the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies
(2nd floor/Mezzanin, corridor)
Cultural Philosophy and Media Theory | Prof. Peter Sloterdijk
Modern and Post-Modern Art History | Prof. Sabeth Buchmann
Philosophical and Historic Anthropology of Arts | Prof. Elisabeth Samsonow
Postcolonial Studies | Prof. Christian Kravagna
Theory, Practice and Communication of Contemporary Arts | Prof. Diedrich Diederichsen, Gastprof. Tom Holert
Visiting Professor | Gastprof. Gregg Bordowitz
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 4-7 pm (2nd floor/Mezzanin, M 13 a)
Information about the study program Fine Arts/area of concentration Art Theory and Cultural Studies with Prof. Sabeth Buchmann
Fri, 26 January 2007, 10-12 am (2nd floor/Mezzanin, M 15)
Information about Doctorate study programs with a.o. Prof. Felicitas Thun
Fri, 26 January 2007, 12 am-2 pm (2nd floor/Mezzanin, M 17)
Conversation with a.o. Prof. Almut Krapf
Presentations 1st Year Studio
(2nd floor, 209)
"Home Visits"
(2nd floor, 211 a)
Architecture | Prof. Kathryn Findlay, Prof. Lawrence Friesen, Prof. Nasrine Seraji, Prof. Wolfgang Tschapeller
(2nd floor, corridor)
Presentations of the Architecture-Studios "How to Live"
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 4-6 pm | Project Presentations
Fri, 26 January 2007, 10-12 am | Project Presentations
Fri, 26 January 2007, 2-5 pm | Project Presentations
Sat, 27 January 2007, 4-8 pm | Project Presentations
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6 pm (1st floor, Aula)
Discussion "Wo werden wir wie wohnen?"
Conservation and Restoration
Conservation and Restoration | Prof. Wolfgang Baatz, Prof. Gerda Kaltenbruner (Conservation and Restoration of modern and contemporary art)
(1st floor, 101, 103)
Videos: gold-plate techniques, japanese paper conservation, Palais Epstein, "Refer - Relate - Memory", documentation about the reconstruction of Nancy Graves' "50 Hair Bones and Sun Disk"
Powerpoint presentations of works of students
Guided tours (in German) of the studios for modern and contemporary art, polychrome sculpture, wood and wall painting:
Fri, 26 January 2007, 5.30 pm
Sat, 27 January 2007, 5.30 pm
Natural Sciences and Technologies in Art
Natural Sciences and Technologies in Art | Prof. Manfred Schreiner
(2nd floor, 201)
"Art works examined under the microscope"
ÖH - Students' Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
1st floor, E 10, Sitzungssaal
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6.30 pm: "Psychology and Art" | Univ.Prof. August Ruhs, Psychological Counselling Service for Students in Vienna
1st floor, E 5
Fri, 26 January 2007: Information about studies and the work of the Students' Union
International Relations
1st floor, E 10, Sitzungssaal
Fri, 26 January 2007, 10 am-2 pm: "Horizonte erweitern - Study abroad", Information about the Exchange Service
University Library
Attention! Thurs+Fri, 25+26 January 2007, 10 am-5 pm, Sat, 27 January 2007, 12 am-6 pm | 2nd floor (Mezzanin), M 7 |
Fri, 26 January 2007, 12 am
Opening of the exhibition
"Markus Kircher: die völlige Bibliothek"
(212 books in 12 years, Artbooks), drinks
(until 31 March 2007)
The Picture Gallery
Attention! Daily 10 am to 8 pm, admission reduced | 1st floor, 106 |
Sat, 27 January 2007, 3 pm
Guided tour (in German): "Hieronymus Bosch, Tizian, Rubens, Rembrandt. A view of the collection.
Prints and Drawings Collection in the Picture Gallery
Attention! Daily 10 am to 8 pm, admission reduced | 1st floor, 106 |
Thurs, 25 January 2007, 6 pm
Opening of the exhibition
"Faszination Antike. Antikenrezeption im Spannungsfeld von zwei Jahrhunderten | Franz Caucig (1755-1828). Valery Koshlyakov (1962). Philip Patkowitsch (1981)"
More information (in German)
Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Wien
Visual Arts
Soundstudio | Franz Pomassl
Attention! Only Thurs+Fri, 25+26 January 2007
More Information:
Art and Photography: Prof. Matthias Herrmann
(basement, Studio south)
Stage Design | Prof. Erich Wonder
(basement, Exhibition space north)
Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Grzinic
(1st floor, Studio south)
Thurs, 25 January 2007
2-5 pm: Screenings by Koloman Kann, p u b/Peter Muzak and Barbara Wilding, Christoph Kolar
5 pm: Opening of the Class Exhibition projects with presentation of exhibited works and screenings by Dorian Bonelli, Kevin Dooley, Veronika Eberhart, Ivan Jurica, David Kellner, Lisbeth Kovacic, Christina Trachta, Tina Wimmer, Regina Wuzella
Fri, 26 January 2007
2 pm: Lecture by Michael Pötschko
4 pm: Discussion about the class project on production of knowledge
6 pm: Performances by Peter Haselmayer, Ana Ex, Nina Stuhldreher, Tilman Wagner
Sat, 27 January 2007, 4 pm: Books project presentation: David Kellner; Presentation of Spaces of Activity outside the Academy: Martin Karhofer and Martina Nowak
Detailed program | Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Grzinic (pdf 236 KB)
Film and Television Studies | Harun Farocki
(1st floor, Studio south)
Sat, 27 January 2007, 6 pm: Project presentation
Art and Digital Media | Prof. Constanze Ruhm
(1st floor, Studio north)
Video/Videoinstallation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter
(1st floor, Studio north)
Expanded Pictoral Space | Prof. Daniel Richter
(2nd floor, Studio south)
"Warum geht es mir so dreckig"
Fine Arts with Focus on Art in Public Space | a.o. Prof. Mona Hahn
(2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space)
"Der beste Augenblick"
(2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space)
Film and Television Studio | Doz. Bettina Henkel
(2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space)
Thur, 25 January 2007, 6 pm
Education in the Arts
Textile Arts | Prof. Elke Gaugele
(2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space)
"Das weiße Hemd | Dekodierung und Dekonstruktion"
Stage Design
Stage Design | Prof. Erich Wonder
(3rd floor)
"inner view - watch out"
Presentations of students and drinks
Institute Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3 | 1060 Vienna
Education in the Arts
Attention! Opening hours:
Fri, 26 January 2007, 6-12 pm
Art Education | Prof. Marion von Osten
Crafts and Design | Prof. Martin Beck
(3rd floor, Projectroom)
Presentations of Students, DJs & Drinks ... everyone welcome!
General information
Office for Public Relations and Exhibition Management:
phone + 43 (1) 588 16-154 |