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kulturen in bewegung | Academy of Unlearning: Mentoring-Program

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Th 25.1.2024

The mentoring program is designed as a training program in tandem by and for women* in cultural mediation in cooperation with brut, Dschungel Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Wiener Konzerthaus, Wien Museum, Wiener Staatsoper, Volkskundemuseum Wien, and the association Frauen helfen Frauen helfen.

The program offers a practical training for the mediation of art and culture. It is particularly aimed at women* who want to be more involved in art and culture projects or wish to explore this field further. The organiser wants to especially encourage women* who are already professionally or voluntarily engaged in the areas of training, education, or social projects and identify with a diaspora community to apply. In individual meetings with a mentor, they will gain an overview of the activities and structures of a cultural institution. The mentors are experienced cultural mediators at local cultural organizations.

In workshops, participants will gain insights into current issues in cultural mediation and share their own experiences and observations in group discussions. As a mentee, they are also an important learning and conversation partner for their mentor. The Academy of Unlearning aims to bring together individuals from various sectors of societal life, promote the exchange of personal experiences, and contribute to the democratization of knowledge.

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