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Dr.phil. Sarah Held

Education in the Arts
+ 43 (1) 58816 - 9213
Business card AkademieOnline
Sarah Held is a cultural scientist and artist. She works as a PostDoc at the Academy of Fine Arts and as a lecturer for Fashion and Gender Studies at the Linz University of Arts. She investigated the "Materialität des feministischen Widerstands " via field research in the USA, Mexico, Chile and Australia and analyzed it through the lens of "textile Agency gegen sexualisierte Gewalt/Femicides" (2021). Intervention strategies against the repressive mechanisms of class, gender and race are part of her main research interests, as well as the "Umformierungen extrem Rechter in Mode, Feminismus und Popkultur" (2021, ed. with Elke Gaugele) and affect-theoretical analyses of violence in the context of "masculinity, fatal body ideals, homophobic homoeroticism and National Socialist aesthetics revisited" (2022).
She intervenes with the feminist performance art collective "Aufstand der Schwestern" against femicides in the public space or at documenta fifteen. She teaches "kritische Pornostudien" (2023, ed. with Sylvia Sadzinski) and also curates and works performatively on a queer-feminist "pornotopia revised" (2022). Sarah Held was a doctoral fellow of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and has received numerous art and cultural grants.