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Calls / Contests Art and Research

List of entries

  • European Commission | LIFE Programme

    The EU LIFE program promotes projects in the field of nature, environmental and climate protection.

    Deadline 19.9.2024, 17 h

  • HORIZON Europe | New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts

    A ‘New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts’ is required to collect, centralise, manage, monitor and exploit the knowledge produced by the NEB projects, the NEB Community and other relevant NEB actions, while also ensuring cooperation and collaboration between them.

    Deadline 19.9.2024, 17 h

  • HORIZON Europe | Research and Innovation Actions

    This call focuses on experimental local action for EU missions: knowledge institutions as focal points of transdisciplinary research and innovation activities with European outreach.

    Deadline 25.9.2024, 17 h

  • Foundation for the International Weeks Against Racism | Creative competition “Protect human dignity”

    For the International Weeks against Racism in March 2025, the art competition with the motto “Protecting human dignity” is being announced with prize money totaling 2,150 euros.

    Deadline 25.9.2024

  • Wissenschaft im Dialog | MS Wissenschaft 2025

    On the MS Wissenschaft 2025 tour, the numerous aspects of the future of energy will be analysed and examined from a scientific perspective.

    Deadline 27.9.2024

  • ETSAB and UPC | Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2025

    Every two years, the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize will recognize the best university research in the field of urbanism carried out by a student granted a PhD.

    Deadline 30.9.2024

  • Journal for Artistic Research | Call for Submissions

    JAR is an internationally recognised Open Access journal that publishes artistic research from all arts disciplines including (but not limited to) the visual arts, architecture, dance, design, film, literature, music, painting, performance, photography, poetry, sculpture, theatre, video art, urban planning, etc.

    Call for Contributions 30.9.2024

  • University of Arts Helsinki | RUUKKU Call for Contributions

    RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for Issue: Dreaming the city for real – spaces of polyphony, dissonance and coexistence.

    Call for Contributions 30.9.2024

  • University of Vienna | Workshop Participatory Action Research

    From 13-15 February 2025, the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Vienna is organising a research workshop on the topic of "Political Activism and Participatory Research". The workshop is aimed at early career researchers who are working on participatory research approaches as part of their qualification thesis or a research project.

    Call for Contributions 30.9.2024

  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology | Stanisław Lem European Research Prize

    The competition is addressed to young scientists (max. 40 years old) who have made a significant discovery or outstanding achievements in the field of broadly understood technical sciences in the last three years.

    Deadline 30.9.2024


    A five-member jury consisting of the external experts Karin Cheng, Mara Mattuschka and Sasha Pirker as well as the QUEERTACTICS organizers Dagmar Fink and Katja Wiederspahn - with the support of VdFS (Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden) and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna - will award three prizes, each endowed with 1000 Euro.

    Deadline 30.9.2024

  • BMKOES |Call for applications for state scholarships for fine arts, photography and media art 2025

    The state scholarships are a recognition of previous outstanding artistic achievements and serve to promote further artistic creation.

    Deadline 30.9.2024

  • University of Porto | Psiax #8 Open Call

    In this edition, they are interested in showcasing drawings, artistic projects, images, articles, essays, and contextual or critical texts that address, problematize, or explore representations of Nature and Landscape, Environmental Narratives, connections between humans and non-humans, our anthropocentric culture, or other possible worldviews.

    Call for Contributions 1.10.2024

  • Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2023/2024 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    This prize rewards outstanding contributions to the Research Catalogue (i.e. RC Expositions) by staff and students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. We are looking for published RC contributions from the years 2023 and 2024.

    Deadline 3.10.2024, 11 h

  • FWF | Astra Awards 2024

    FWF has launched a new career funding program called the FWF Astra Awards. This funding will help advanced postdocs in Austria make the leap to the top of their research field.

    Deadline 3.10.2024, 14 h

  • BML | Neptun State Prize for Water

    The Neptun State Prize for Water is the Austrian environmental and innovation prize for sustainable water projects.

    Deadline 14.10.2024

  • Austrian Patent Office | National Patent Award 2025

    The State Patent Award puts the spotlight on particularly innovative achievements. It is the highest state honour for inventions and brands and will be awarded for the fifth time in June 2025.

    Deadline 14.10.2024

  • Horizon Europe | ERC Starting Grant Call 2025

    The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.

    Deadline 15.10.2024, 17 h

  • Society for Artistic Research | 16th SAR Conference 2025 in Porto

    The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research (May 7 - 9, 2025) with the theme “Resonance” is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto.

    Call for Contributions 15.10.2024

  • Province of Burgenland | Award for Bachelor's/Master's theses with a feminist focus 2023/24

    In 2024, the Department of Women, Anti-Discrimination and Equal Treatment of the Burgenland Provincial Government will award a prize for Bachelor's/Master's theses that consider topics against the background of feminist approaches or gender aspects into the work.

    Deadline 15.10.2024