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Lic. Carla Bobadilla

Education in the Arts
Business card AkademieOnline


Research-based art, contemporary art, cultural studies, public space, post- and decolonial teaching, politics of memory. Bobadilla conducts academic and curatorial research and engages in various participatory formats, such as Der Spaziergang als kollektive Methode des Verlernens (The walk as a collective method of unlearning). She has extensive experience working with students in renowned museum contexts and continually develops further formats that address issues of gender, postcolonialism, and ecologies. Her work has been realized, for example, at Kunsthalle Wien, mumok, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Wien Museum, The Natural History Museum Vienna, Weltmuseum, at the Wiener Festwochen, and at Kunsthalle Exnergasse in WUK. As a Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, she teaches how to develop formats that enable the negotiation of cultural heritage issues within a postcolonial context by applying decolonizing methodologies. She has been a member of the board of IG Bildende Kunst since 2018 and co-chair with Almut Rink since 2020. Since 2020, member and co-founder of the collective Decolonizing in Vienna!

Published books and anthologies

Decolonizing in Vienna! (collective) / Bobadilla, Carla; Haselmayer, Peter; Heredia-Torres, Marcela; Mayerhofer-Deák, Marietta; Seidl, Gregor (eds. and authors): Österreichs kulturelles Erbe. Kunsthalle Wien, 2022

Achola, Agnes; Bobadilla, Carla; Dimitrova, Petja; Güres, Nilbar; del Sordo, Stefania (eds.): Migrationsskizzen: postkoloniale Verstrickungen antirassistische Baustellen. Vienna 2010

Contributions to anthologies (incl. exhibition catalogues)

Bobadilla, Carla: „Performative Begegnungen mit der Stadt. Der Spaziergang als kollektive Methode des Verlernens“ in: Castro Varela, María do Mar; Haghighat, Leila (eds.): Double Bind postkolonial: Kritische Perspektiven auf Kunst und Kulturelle Bildung. Bielefeld 2023

Bobadilla, Carla: „Was dieser POC Körper in der Institution bewirken kann“ in: Egaña Rojas, Lucía;  E. Varas, Paulina (eds.): Una Cartografía Extraña, Santiago de Chile 2021, pp. 56-67

Bobadilla, Carla: “The Butterfly House” in: Carabelli, Giulia; Jovanović, Miloš; Kirbis, Annika; Walton, Jeremy F. (eds.): Sharpening the Haze. Visual Essays on Imperial History and Memory. London 2020, pp. 129-141

Bobadilla, Carla: „Bei mir“ in: Instrucciones de uso; Cien obras en formato H-10, Valparaíso, Chile 2012, pp. 32-33

Bobadilla, Carla: „Heimat ist dort, wo mein Bett ist, mein Stoff ist, mein Kleid ist“ in: Barnas, Veronika (eds.): unORTnung: Eine Ausstellungsreihe in Wien. Vienna 2011, pp. 245-246

Bobadilla, Carla: “Re-Contextualización” in: VIDC / Kulturen in Bewegung; Blickwechsel: Lateinamerika in der zeitgenössischen Kunst,  Bielefeld 2006, pp. 61-70


Bobadilla, Carla and Vázquez, Rolando: “‘What would it mean to decolonise Europe?’ Arts, Options and Practices to overcome Modernity/Coloniality” in: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 1, no. 2 (2021), pp. 67-90. (peer reviewed)

Bobadilla, Carla: “Austria’s Cultural Heritage: Strategies of Visualization and Contextualization in: Arts Management Quarterly. Postcolonial Cultural Management. 135 (2020): pp 41-47.,222

„Dekoloniale Stadtspaziergänge“ interview by Naomi Lobnig in: an.schläge Das feministische Magazin. V (2022).

„Ich sehe meine Arbeit als seine Irritation im Alltag weißer Subjekte“ interview by Marcel Bleuler in: eJournal des Programmbereichs Contemporary Art & Cultural Production. 22.07.2019.

Bobadilla, Carla: „Ein sicherer Raum für künstlerische Produktion“in: Migrazine. Online Magazin von Migrantinnen für alle.