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List of entries

  • Vienna Humanities Festival 2024 - Uncharted / Neuland

    The Vienna Humanities Festival once again invites renowned thinkers to come together in Vienna and reflect on the fears, hopes, and big questions of our time. Admission is free.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Wien


  • honoris causa. Politics of Public History at (Art) Universities

    Not only at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, but at numerous other Austrian universities, students, teachers and scholars are engaged in critical reflection and reappraisal of the historical responsibility of educational institutions.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room


  • inter, trans*, non-binary, no declaration ... How can we change structural discrimination?

    An event hosted by the Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women I Gender Studies I Diversity and the Student Welcome Center.


    Diverse Locations


  • Humanitas Festival | Promise & Temptations - Verführtes Denken

    The Institute for Human Sciences once again invites renowned thinkers to come together in Vienna and reflect on the fears, hopes, and big questions of our time. Admission is free.



  • "Go Global" for students

    The International Office invites all interested students to participate in numerous sessions on studying and training abroad. These events will provide insights into the preparations and application process of an exchange semester and internship abroad. Former Erasmus+ students will talk about their experiences abroad:


    Schillerplatz/ M13a, Schillerplatz/ Conference room


  • The world goes Academy (Online und Hybrid)

    All students and interested staff members are invited to get to know some of our partner universities:


    Online via Zoom


  • The Academy goes global!

    Every year in October, the #ErasmusDays take place across Europe. Numerous institutions present the Erasmus+ program to a broad public.


    Diverse Locations


  • “Go Global” for academic and administrative staff

    The first events will be for staff members, both academic and administrative, and will provide insights into selected topics of internationalization.


    Schillerplatz/ M20, Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space


  • Reflecting on the Role of Contemporary Art and Culture in the Critique of Racism

    With this 2 days long colloquium (with workshops, lectures, round table and film screening) we specifically target the university environment asking for forms of action, relationships and practices that expose and oppose structural racism in the educational system.


    Diverse Locations


  • Vienna Humanities Festival | The Age of Uncertainty

    How will the Ukraine war, the energy crisis and digitalization change the world? These are the questions addressed by this year's Vienna Humanities Festival The Age of Uncertainty - Zeitenwende with 25 discussion events in German and English in the center of Vienna.


    Diverse Locations

  • Art Reception – Strategies for Future Exhibiting

    Symposium of the FWF PEEK Projektes PPC [568] on the critical reappraisal of the history of the commune at Friedrichshof. Using the example of the Mühl commune, the symposium explores the question: How to deal with art that has been created in problematic contexts. Who curates, speaks about this art: so far – now – in the future?

    Every day from 15.00- to 20.00
    Installation every day from 14.00

    Volkskundemuseum Wien Laudongasse 15–19, 1080 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Sharing and Responding

    Concept: Ana de Almeida, Anke Dyes, Nina Kerschbaumer, and Inka Meißner

    With contributions from: Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory, Rachal Bradley, Carolin Brendel, Coleman Collins, Ana de Almeida, Diedrich Diederichsen, Anke Dyes, Oier Etxeberria, Julia Grillmayr, Johan Hartle, Peter Hermans, Ute Kalender and Aljoscha Weskott, Nina Kerschbaumer, Leigh Claire La Berge, Julia Lokschina and Samuel Fischer-Glaser, Doreen Mende, Sighard Neckel, Axel Stockburger, Lia Sudermann, and Christian Wimplinger

    Please pre-register by April 22 at .

    The Sharing and Responding event series is a cooperation between Kunsthalle Wien and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.



    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Concept: Ana de Almeida, Anke Dyes, Nina Kerschbaumer, and Inka Meißner

 With contributions from: Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory, Rachal  Bradley, Carolin Brendel, Coleman Collins, Ana de Almeida, Diedrich  Diederichsen, Anke Dyes, Oier Etxeberria, Julia Grillmayr, Johan  Hartle, Peter Hermans, Ute Kalender and Aljoscha Weskott, Nina  Kerschbaumer, Leigh Claire La Berge, Julia Lokschina and Samuel  Fischer-Glaser, Doreen Mende, Sighard Neckel, Axel Stockburger, Lia  Sudermann, and Christian Wimplinger

 Please pre-register by April 22 at

  Sharing and Responding
 event series is a cooperation between
  Kunsthalle Wien
 and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
  • “care, dare and share” - International Conference on Artistic Research

    The mdw will be hosting the 12th International Conference on Artistic Research of the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.




    The mdw will be hosting the
  12th International Conference
  on Artistic Research of the Society for Artistic Research (SAR)
 in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

  • Adorno and the Media

    Internationale Konferenz veranstaltet durch die Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, ZKM, der Simon Fraser University, Vancouver und Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

    Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Staatliche Hochschule für GestaltungKarlsruhe (HfG), Lorenzstrasse 15, D-76135 Karlsruhe


    Internationale Konferenz veranstaltet durch die Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, ZKM, der Simon Fraser University, Vancouver und Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
  • Roland Rainer im Kontext

    Symposium im Rahmen der Ausstellung Roland Rainer. (Un)Umstritten. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Werk (1936–1963) im Architekturzentrum Wien (20.10–26.11.2018). Eine Kooperation der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, dem Az W, dem Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich und der Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland.

    Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien


    Symposium im Rahmen der Ausstellung
  Roland Rainer. (Un)Umstritten. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Werk (1936–1963)
 im Architekturzentrum Wien (20.10–26.11.2018). Eine Kooperation der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, dem Az W, dem Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich und der Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland.
  • Hauntopia / What if

    Haunting has been employed to create a language for the ways in which an unfinished past (Avery Gordon) makes itself known in the here and now. Violent histories or stories make themselves known and cause disruptions, wronging the wrong (Eve Tuck). In the course of this exhibition and conference, we explore the potential of not just welcoming but conjuring the specters and make the unresolved social violence of the past demand their due. As our artistic practices invite ghosts to dance, we trace possible futures in the here and now.

    Concept: Anette Baldauf, Renate Lorenz (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
    Opening hours of the exhibition (May 11–Oct. 15): Tue-Sun, 10:00–18:00


    Research Pavilion, Sala del Camino, Campo S. Cosmo, Giudecca 621, 30133 Venice, Italy

    Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Haunting has been employed to create a language for the ways in which  an unfinished past (Avery Gordon) makes itself known in the here and  now. Violent histories or stories make themselves known and cause  disruptions, wronging the wrong (Eve Tuck). In the course of this  exhibition and conference, we explore the potential of not just  welcoming but conjuring the specters and make the unresolved social  violence of the past demand their due. As our artistic practices invite  ghosts to dance, we trace possible futures in the here and now.

 Concept: Anette Baldauf, Renate Lorenz (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
 Opening hours of the exhibition (May 11–Oct. 15): Tue-Sun, 10:00–18:00
  • Aktionstage: Refugees – Migration – Democracy

    Organized by
    Initiative Minderheiten, Center for Advanced Studies South Eastern (CAS SEE), ERSTE Stiftung, Institut für die Wissenschaften von Menschen (IWM), Asylkoordination Österreich, arge region kultur, GBW Minderheiten, Interkulturelles Zentrum (iz), Karl-Renner-Institut

    In co-operation with
    Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB), Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, REMESO (Institute for Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköping University), oiip (Austrian Institute for International Affairs), IDM (Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe)

    ÖBB Unternehmenszentrale, Am Hauptbahnhof 2, 1100 Wien and Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, Akademiestr. 13, 1010 Wien


    Organized by
 Initiative Minderheiten, Center for Advanced Studies South Eastern (CAS SEE), ERSTE Stiftung, Institut für die Wissenschaften von Menschen (IWM), Asylkoordination Österreich, arge region kultur, GBW Minderheiten, Interkulturelles Zentrum (iz), Karl-Renner-Institut

  In co-operation with
 Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB), Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, REMESO (Institute for Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköping University), oiip (Austrian Institute for International Affairs), IDM (Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe)
  • Kapital Macht Geschlecht | Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen mit Ökonomie und Gender

    Veranstaltet von der Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek | Texte – Kontexte – Rezeption in Kooperation mit dem Elfriede Jelinek-Forschungszentrum, der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, dem Institut für Institutionelle und Heterodoxe Ökonomie der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und dramagraz.

    Atelierhaus/ Galerie


    Veranstaltet von der Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek | Texte – Kontexte – Rezeption in Kooperation mit dem Elfriede Jelinek-Forschungszentrum, der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, dem Institut für Institutionelle und Heterodoxe Ökonomie der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und dramagraz.
  • Public Life - Towards a politics of care | Bodies. Place. Matter

    PhD Symposium, organized by Prof. Elke Krasny, Ass. Prof. Sabine Knierbein and Prof. Rob Shields.

    und Mobiles Stadtlabor, (TU Wien, Resselpark/Karlsplatz,1040 Vienna)


  • Pop Congress 2015

    COMPARED TO WHAT? On the Relation between Normativity and Subversion in Pop Cultural Contexts

    Keynotes: Hans-Christian Dany, Diedrich Diederichsen, Christian Höller, Chantal Mouffe

    M13a, M20

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    COMPARED TO WHAT? On the Relation between Normativity and Subversion in Pop Cultural Contexts

 Hans-Christian Dany, Diedrich Diederichsen, Christian Höller, Chantal Mouffe