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Geumhyung Jeong (KR) Homemade RC Toy

Event Label
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna
Location Room (1)

An Event by ImPulsTanz in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Installation from 1 to 5.8. (opening hours 10-18h), opening on 1.8., 17 h

Geumhyung Jeong creates choreographic assemblages with self­made robotic sculp­ tures. In a series of intimate encounters and sensual interaction with her homemade partners, she uses her body to communicate with them. Moving between moments of connection and disconnection, she generates the question, who is driving the action? The human or the machine? At the dawn of a technologically endorsed future, Home­made RC Toy is both a curious, mechanical ballet and an invigorating sexual fantasy that explores the ever­shifting boundaries of the animate and inanimate in the age of the cyborg.