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List of entries

  • Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series. 

    Introduction held in German

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    University Library
    Reading room M7

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • Der Holzapfeladam

    A reading from the novel about the struggle for humanity and dignity in a cruel world with author Bernhard Moshammer accompanied by music as part of the Academy Librar’s Wer A.. sagt event series

    Reading and concert held in German

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    University Library
    Reading room, M 7

    University Library

    Cover des Romans „Der Holzapfeladam“ von Bernhard Moshammer mit einer Reproduktion von Orazio Gentileschis Gemälde „David und Goliath“ (ca. 1605–1607, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin).
  • Us and the others: Narratives of flight, identity, and integration

    A book presentation by Vedran Džihić and Manuela Tomić on the topic of fleeing the Bosnian war and arriving in Austria as part of the Academy Librar’s Wer A.. sagt event series. The evening will be hosted by radio play director and author Andreas Jungwirth.

    Book presentation held in German

    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, University Library, Reading room, M 7

    University Library

    Two book covers. Left: Essay volume "Ankommen" [Arriving] by Vedran Džihić; a black anchor is depicted on a peach-colored background, the title is written in portrait format on the right-hand edge. Right: Prose volume "Zehnfingermärchen" [Ten-finger fairy tale] by Manuela Tomić; the author's name and the title appear on a white background in the upper section, with an instant photo of four people from three generations standing in front of a car below on the left; a view of Paris in the lower section, with the Eiffel Tower crowned with a strawberry on the right, protruding into the middle section.
  • Goose Quill, Squiggle, Ink Blot – Reading and Writing Kurrent Script

    A three-unit Kurrent workshop of the University Archives with Ulrike Hirhager as part of the Academy Library’s WissensWert event series

    Free course held in German

    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, University Library, Reading room, M 7

    University Library

    Top left: Matriculation register from the holdings of the university archive of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 1754–1769/72; top right: Kurrent alphabet; bottom left: Kurrent memory cards; bottom right: Practice sheet, quill with steel nib, glass inkwell
  • Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

    Introduction held in English

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    University Library
    Reading room M 7

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • A book for Kinderhospiz Netz

    The University Library's charity book bazaar for the benefit of Kinderhospiz Netz, an association for the care of seriously ill children at home and in the children's day hospice.

    Charity book bazaar

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    University Library
    Reading room, M 7

    University Library

    The color photograph shows a blurred wire frame through which a tunnel-like view of a table with books, stacked or in a box, is revealed.
  • Reema Desai Gehi: Rudolf von Leyden and India’s artistic awakening

    On the legacy of an exiled German scholar who came to India before World War II and emerged as a pivotal figure in the art world—Lecture and book presentation as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series

    Lecture and book presentation held in English

    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, University Library, Reading room, M 7

    University Library

    The book by Reema Desai Gehi, “The Catalyst: Rudolf von Leyden and India’s Artistic Awakening.” The cover shows a portrait of a pensive Rudolf von Leyden against a red background; detail from a painting by Walter Langhammer (The Critic, 1943, oil on canvas).
  • Goose Quill, Squiggle, Ink Blot – Reading and Writing Kurrent Script

    A three-unit Kurrent workshop of the University Archives with Ulrike Hirhager as part of the Academy Library’s WissensWert event series

    Free course held in German

    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, University Library (Reading room, M 7)

    University Library

    Top left: Matriculation register from the holdings of the university archive of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 1754–1769/72; top right: Kurrent alphabet; bottom left: Kurrent memory cards; bottom right: Practice sheet, quill with steel nib, glass inkwell
  • Introduction to the use of the library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (in English)

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

    Introduction held in English

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • Fabian Seiz – Exact Secrets

    An exhibition on the polarity of form and content, the essence of secrets, memory, and material by Fabian Seiz as part of the Academy Library‘s Wer A.. sagt series.


    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    On display is a 65 cm high tower built from 50 layers of wood. The individual layers stand out visually from each other due to their different colours and types of wood. The top layer shows the cover of Wittgenstein's book “Tractatus logico-philosophicus” from edition suhrkamp in red. The tower was milled along the right side in the form of a curved bracket. The photo was taken from diagonally above right.
  • Opening: Fabian Seiz – Exact Secrets

    Opening of an exhibition on the polarity of form and content, the essence of secrets, memory, and material by Fabian Seiz as part of the Academy Library‘s Wer A.. sagt series.

    Exhibition opening

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    On display is a 65 cm high tower built from 50 layers of wood. The individual layers stand out visually from each other due to their different colours and types of wood. The top layer shows the cover of Wittgenstein's book “Tractatus logico-philosophicus” from edition suhrkamp in red. The tower was milled along the right side in the form of a curved bracket. The photo was taken from diagonally above right.
  • Martina Reinhart: Homages to Poets and Thinkers

    An exhibition about fellow wayfarers and sources of inspiration by Martina Reinhart as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series


    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Two portrait collage works in mixed media with colorful abstract acrylic painting. Left: "Homage to Simone de Beauvoir" with this text: "The entire history of women: Made by men? Primarily, mostly, but not only. Ever since time immemorial there have been matriarchies, where all power is organized through the descent of the maternal line, and religious beliefs are traced back to a beldam or great goddess. But these were archaeological cultures. Thus, women must continue to work intensely for their liberation ..." On the right, the "Homage to Hugo von Hoffmannsthal" with the following text: "When the development of imagination turns against fate, does that break what we plan - or do new possibilities not also arise? And is not also the value of rational thinking for visions to be questioned?"
  • Finissage and Recital – Martina Reinhart: Homages to Poets and Thinkers

    A performative finissage and a recital with Sylvia Unterdorfer on Martina Reinhart's fellow wayfarers and sources of inspiration as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series.

    Finissage and recital

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Two portrait collage works in mixed media with colorful abstract acrylic painting. Left: "Homage to Simone de Beauvoir" with this text: "The entire history of women: Made by men? Primarily, mostly, but not only. Ever since time immemorial there have been matriarchies, where all power is organized through the descent of the maternal line, and religious beliefs are traced back to a beldam or great goddess. But these were archaeological cultures. Thus, women must continue to work intensely for their liberation ..." On the right, the "Homage to Hugo von Hoffmannsthal" with the following text: "When the development of imagination turns against fate, does that break what we plan - or do new possibilities not also arise? And is not also the value of rational thinking for visions to be questioned?"
  • (Scientific) Publishing and Open Access

    An introduction to scientific communication with Andreas Ferus as part of the WissensWert series.

    Course held in German

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, room 3.11 (IT training room)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • The Historical Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    A guided tour through the historical premises and the collection of antique holdings of the A...cademy Library with Martin Kreuz as part of the WissensWert series.

    Guided tour in German

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The color photograph shows what may be a typical desk or work table of a senior official in the library service. A scriptor or an amanuensis (assistant scribe) possibly, since these two people with this job title have to do the work of the classic "librarian" behind the scenes. In addition to the necessary work utensils – such as nib pens, inkwell, blotting cradle, index cards, and various inventory books and lists – the everyday work is completed by many other period-typical accessories, which allows you to put yourself in the necessary work steps and to revel and live a little in the flair of the 19th century.
  • Goose Quill, Squiggle, Ink Blot – Reading and Writing Kurrent Script

    A three-unit Kurrent workshop of the University Archives with Ulrike Hirhager as part of the Academy Library’s WissensWert event series

    Free course held in German

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Top left: Matriculation register from the holdings of the university archive of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 1754–1769/72; top right: Kurrent alphabet; bottom left: Kurrent memory cards; bottom right: Practice sheet, quill with steel nib, glass inkwell
  • Opening – Martina Reinhart: Homages to Poets and Thinkers

    Opening of an exhibition about fellow wayfarers and sources of inspiration by Martina Reinhart as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series

    Exhibition opening

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Two portrait collage works in mixed media with colorful abstract acrylic painting. Left: "Homage to Simone de Beauvoir" with this text: "The entire history of women: Made by men? Primarily, mostly, but not only. Ever since time immemorial there have been matriarchies, where all power is organized through the descent of the maternal line, and religious beliefs are traced back to a beldam or great goddess. But these were archaeological cultures. Thus, women must continue to work intensely for their liberation ..." On the right, the "Homage to Hugo von Hoffmannsthal" with the following text: "When the development of imagination turns against fate, does that break what we plan - or do new possibilities not also arise? And is not also the value of rational thinking for visions to be questioned?"
  • Milena Nights – A Literary Reading Evening

    Christoph Salcher, Katharina Tiwald, and Peter Waldeck present the Viennese Milena Verlag and read from new and old works as part of the Academy Library’s event series Wer A… sagt.


    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Three black and white photo portraits. Left: Christoph Salcher, a middle-aged man with large glasses and bald head, smiling in a friendly manner. Center: Katharina Tiwald, a middle-aged woman with delicate glasses and long hair parted on the left side, smiling, her head slightly tilted to the left. Right: Peter Waldeck, a friendly looking man in his prime with a full head of dark hair, has his left eyebrow raised slightly.
  • Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (in English)

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

    Introduction held in English

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (in German)

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

    Introduction held in German

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • On Sediments and Occidents

    An exhibition on colonial continuities and cultural sedimentation processes from the artistic research project of Johannes Rips as part of the Academy Library’s event series Wer A… sagt


    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The black-and-white photograph shows four persons, three read as male and one as female, sitting at a long coarse wooden table eating and drinking wine. It is a scene from the 19th century. In the center of the picture the word ‘On’ can be read.
  • Visit to the Plaster Cast Collection: On Sediments and Occidents

    A visit to the Collection of Plaster Casts and a talk with Andrea Domanig and Johannes Rips in the context of the exhibition On Sediments and Occidents. An event of A...cademy Library and The Collection of Plaster Casts.


    Studio Building/ The Collection of Plaster Casts

    University Library

    Three sculptures placed side by side in the white-washed vaulted basement of the Studiobuilding; due to the viewing angle, the leftmost figure, a cast of the ‘Capitoline Venus,’ appears to be the largest. The other two casts represent ‘Eirene carrying the infant Plutos on her arm’ and ‘Ares Borghese.’ All three sculptures are visible from the head to about the knee.
  • Opening: On Sediments and Occidents

    Opening of an exhibition on colonial continuities and cultural sedimentation processes with Johannes Rips as part of the Academy Library’s event series Wer A… sagt

    Exhibition Opening

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The black-and-white photograph shows four persons, three read as male and one as female, sitting at a long coarse wooden table eating and drinking wine. It is a scene from the 19th century. In the center of the picture the word ‘On’ can be read.
  • The Historical Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    A guided tour through the historical premises and the collection of antique holdings of the A...cademy Library with Martin Kreuz as part of the WissensWert series.

    Guided tour in German

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The color photograph shows what may be a typical desk or work table of a senior official in the library service. A scriptor or an amanuensis (assistant scribe) possibly, since these two people with this job title have to do the work of the classic "librarian" behind the scenes. In addition to the necessary work utensils – such as nib pens, inkwell, blotting cradle, index cards, and various inventory books and lists – the everyday work is completed by many other period-typical accessories, which allows you to put yourself in the necessary work steps and to revel and live a little in the flair of the 19th century.
  • (Scientific) Publishing and Open Access

    An introduction to scientific communication with Andreas Ferus as part of the WissensWert series.

    Course held in German

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, room 3.11 (IT training room)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • Katja Gürtler – Playboys

    An exhibition about dreams, hopes, and utopias by Katja Gürtler as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series.


    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The landscape-format color-pencil drawing shows a man lying on a comfortable sofa. He is holding a computer gaming console in his right hand, while propping himself up with his left. His gaze is focused on a point slightly right of the viewer. He wears a T shirt that has “rich” written on it. A potted plant is discernible in the background.
  • (Scientific) Research

    A course with Andreas Ferus on searching for professional literature as part of the WissensWert series.

    Course held in German

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, room 3.11 (IT training room)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert
  • Opening: Katja Gürtler – Playboys

    Opening of an exhibition about dreams, hopes, and utopias with Katja Gürtler as part of the Academy Library’s Wer A… sagt event series.

    Exhibition opening

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    The landscape-format color-pencil drawing shows a man lying on a comfortable sofa. He is holding a computer gaming console in his right hand, while propping himself up with his left. His gaze is focused on a point slightly right of the viewer. He wears a T shirt that has “rich” written on it. A potted plant is discernible in the background.
  • Catastrophes That Made Me

    A book presentation plus reading with author Kseniya Schneider under the Academy Library’s Wer A…sagt event series

    Book presentation held in German

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    On black background there are several different white and red scribbles. In the left part of the graphic there is a large human head surrounded with question marks, stylized eyes and other signs. You can also see the part of a saying: [Who] am I?
  • Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

    Introduction held in English

    Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)

    University Library

    Logo WissensWert