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the_print_fest - Day 1

Event Label
Fest / Workshops
Organisational Units
Fine Arts
Location Description
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
Intaglio Printing Workshop S13

the_print_fest is an open format to enable art related education, tacit- and peer-learning experiences, and awareness of the divers works of cultural and artistic practices, in an open access setting.

Feel invited to join the second print fest, taking place at the print studio S13 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. the_print_fest continues as a series of events in which new teaching content is playfully illuminated and conveyed, and sensitised to a wide variety of concepts and materialities.

Program 8.5.2024

16 h: 
Opening of the second festival „the_print_fest“ by Renata Darabant (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) Ayala Shoshana Guy (experimental cinema and animation at University of Passau), Martin Bischof (University of Art and Design Linz), Liz Melchor (generative art and pen-plotters) und Peter Zoltan Öllinger (MKE Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts Budapest)

17–18:30 h: 
„From the Cylinder Seal to the PoGo printer“
The lecture gives an overview of the development of the most important printmaking techniques from their beginnings to the present day. The common thread is the stories of how new techniques were often invented in areas that had nothing to do with the graphic arts. They developed because the conditions and needs were given at a certain time. (Lecture in German)

Lecturer: Erwin Pokorny is an art historian and works at the Albertina. He specializes in drawings and prints from the Dürer period. As an external lecturer, he gives lectures on graphic techniques at various universities. 

18:30–20 h: 
Vernissage of the exhibition of 15 students of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts Budapest MKE, in the intaglio, relief and planographic printing workshops. Interactive pen-plotter installation and large-format linocuts in production in the inner yard of the main building.

János Bíró; Anna Czár; Zsófi Dadányi; Eszter Nóra Dicső; Júlia Jakabos; Laura Laviv; Dániel Lebeda; Aiofe Murphy; Péter Zoltán Öllinger; Beáta Sisák
Gergely Suplicz

We are looking forward to your visit to this and hopefully many more celebrations, in an open access setting where the public as well as institutions open up, feel and create their embeddedness and connection together.