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List of entries

  • Exhibit - diverse Ausstellungspraxen

    Curated by Ingeborg Erhart and Sofie Mathoi


    Schillerplatz 3
    1. floor
    1010 Vienna

    Exhibit Gallery

  • Short but Sweet with Michael Reindel

    On selected Tuesday evenings, artists from the exhibition Come as You Are. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023 and our art education team meet for a joint discussion on their artistic practice.

    Artist Talk

    Kunsthalle Wien
    1040 Vienna


  • Recognition in Practice - Wie stelle ich einen Antrag auf Anerkennung von Vorstudien/Auslandsaufenthalten?

    Wir führen praktisch in die Welt der Anerkennung der Bildenden Kunst mit all ihren online-Tasks und Dokumenten ein. Was wird benötigt, wie fülle ich aus?


    Online via Zoom

    Fine Arts

  • Recognition in Practice - How do I submit an application?

    We provide a practical introduction to the world of recognition of the fine arts studies with all its online tasks and documents. Which documents are required, how to navigate through Campus Online?

    Study information

    Online via Zoom

    Fine Arts

  • Tom Holert: „ca. 1972“

    Book presentation with Tom Holert, organised by Sabeth Buchmann and Jens Kastner, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies.

    Book presentation

    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Considering the Collection & Cranach’s Holy Productivity An Insert by Klaus Scherübel

    Considering the Collection & An Insert by … is a recently established temporary exhibition format presenting highlights from the Paintings Gallery collection, from Bosch to Rubens, as well as works with links to the Insert, an artistic intervention created by a contemporary artist as a critical statement on the Academy’s historical art collections. The second Insert in the series features Montreal-based Austrian artist Klaus Scherübel.



    Paintings Gallery

    eine rotes Gemäldedetail
  • Digital Memory – Digital History. Is the future of memory digital?

    Book presentation and panel discussion on the volume Erinnerungskultur und Holocaust Education im digitalen Wandel. Georeferenzierte Dokumentations-, Erinnerungs- und Vermittlungsprojekte, edited by Victoria Kumar, Gerald Lamprecht, Lukas Nievoll, Grit Oelschlegel and Sebastian Stoff.

    Book presentation and panel discussion

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

    A book cover in portrait format with the title, author details and the publisher's name. The cover features a stylized city map with colored dots.
  • Platz nehmen #2: Parliament of Delicacies

    A series of events on the culture of public debate at Schillerplatz by Academy | Art | Public Sphere


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna


  • Parcours. Tour: Schillerplatz

    Exhibit art information tours the sites and provides information about selected works by this year's graduating students.

    Guided Tour

    Meeting Point: Entrance
    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna


  • KinderuniKunst 2024 1st to 12th of July

    More information and registration at
    Registration starts on Monday, June 25, 2024, until 11 am.



  • Parcours. Tour: Studiobuilding

    Exhibit art information tours the sites and provides information about selected works by this year's graduating students.

    Guided tour

    Lehargasse 8
    1060 Vienna


  • [feast of conversations] re/vision re/vision fashion_feminist pleasure and radical knowledge

    International get-together, organized by Fashions & Styles,  Institute for Education in the Arts.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Aktsaal, Room 05a

    Education in the Arts

    the poster shows writings on a neon green background. it says when, where and with whom the "feast of conversation" named "re/vision fashion_feminist pleasure and radical knowledge" will take place.
  • Parcours. Tour: Sculpture Studios

    Exhibit art information tours the sites and provides information about selected works by this year's graduating students.

    Guided tour

    Sculpture Studios
    Kurzbauergasse 9
    1020 Vienna


  • Wöchentlicher Stammtisch

    Die Bühnenbildklasse der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien lädt zum wöchentlichen Stammtisch im Volkskundemuseum/Haus der Republik ein!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Weekly Stammtisch

    The scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites you to the weekly get-together in the Volkskundemuseum/House of the Republic!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Embedded knowledge, Plural histories, and Fashion democratization: A social justice fashion-based approach

    A lecture by Fashion and Styles, Institute for Education in the Arts, organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 1.06

    Education in the Arts

  • Führungen mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung

    Eine Führung durch das "Haus der Republik" mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien).


    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Guided tours with the scenography class

    A tour of the “House of the Republic” with the scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as part of the Wiener Festwochen.

    Guided tour

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

  • Parcours: Master Walk (Gestaltung im Kontext)

    Während des Master Walks präsentieren die Studierenden der Masterprojekte (IKL) ihre Arbeiten in der Ausstellung.


    Atelierhaus/ EG Nord

    Education in the Arts

    Ausstellungsansicht in der Säulenhalle des Atelierhauses. Im Vordergrund sieht man 2 Podeste mit Verpackungen aus getrockneten Maisblättern. Im Hintergrund links eine Garderobe aus Holz und rechts einen Schal in schwarz-weiß.
  • Parcours: Master Walk (Design in Context)

    During the Master Walk, students of the Master Projects (Institute for the Education Art and) will present their work in the exhibition.

    Guided tour

    Studio Building
    Lehárgasse 8
    1060 Wien
    Room EG Nord

    Education in the Arts

    Exhibition view in the columned hall of the Atelierhaus. In the foreground you can see 2 pedestals with packaging made from dried corn leaves. In the background on the left is a wooden coat rack and on the right a scarf in black and white.