List of entries
Open Days 2025
Institutes will open their atelier doors and studios, and performances, discussions and educational programs are offered. The annual Academy Auction will also take place as part of the tour, for which world-famous and even lesser-known artists will make works available for auction.
Open Studios | Performances | Talks | Guided tours Organisational Units Academy
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honoris causa. Politics of History and Remembrance at the Academy
With "honoris causa. Politics of Public History at (Art) Universities ", the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna launched a series of events last year in which the Academy faces up to its historical responsibility as an educational institution. A further event will follow in December 2024, which aims to focus more strongly on individual questions or topics that are connected to current debates.
Orientation Days for First Year Students September | October 2024
The Orientation Days for first year students offer the opportunity to get to know all the services of the Academy for students, get all your questions answered and get to know students from other study programs!
Orientation Days
all sites of the Academy
Student Service
Symposium: Untold Narratives - Artists’ Archives and Estates
Symposium as part of Vienna’s annual gallery festival Curated By. Curated and organized by Dr. Lisa Moravec and the Austrian Forum for Estates and Legacies of Fine Arts*. With the kind support of BMKöS and Bildrecht.
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Vienna Humanities Festival 2024 - Uncharted / Neuland
The Vienna Humanities Festival once again invites renowned thinkers to come together in Vienna and reflect on the fears, hopes, and big questions of our time. Admission is free.
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Wien
Pass Egal Wahl
Who would you vote for if you were eligible to vote? In the "Pass Egal Wahl" organized by SOS Mitmensch, everyone can (symbolically) cast their vote - their passport does not matter! There are numerous public polling stations in all federal states, and many schools are also involved in the initiative. As part of this, the Academy of Fine Arts is holding the first university-internal Pass Egal Wahl in Austria.
Internal event
Schillerplatz/ Aula
Come as You Are. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023
In its ninth edition, the Kunsthalle Wien Prize represents the ongoing collaboration between Kunsthalle Wien, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz
Treitlstraße 2
1040 ViennaAcademy
Short but Sweet with Michael Reindel
On selected Tuesday evenings, artists from the exhibition Come as You Are. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023 and our art education team meet for a joint discussion on their artistic practice.
Artist Talk
Kunsthalle Wien
1040 ViennaAcademy
Performance: Resistance, Body, Sound and Vibrations
Eine Performance von Carrot Root, Milena Nowak und Lars* Kollros im Rahmen von Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. Um 21 h Athener Zeit und 22 h Wiener Zeit.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athen 104 33
Sludge pour Sludge - Oder wie ich gelernt habe ein Algorithmus zu sein
The present concept "Sludge pour Sludge - Or how I learned to be an algorithm" is part of an international art festival in Athens/Greece and includes a curated group exhibition as a festival contribution with an Austrian focus for the Back to Athens Festival in Athens (June 26 - June 30, 2024). In addition to the exhibition itself, the concept sees itself as a mediation and exchange space for hybrid keynotes, artist talks and workshops during the festival.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Performance: Resistance, Body, Sound and Vibrations
A performance by Carrot Root, Milena Nowak and Lars* Kollros as part of Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. At 9 p.m. Athens time and 10 p.m. Vienna time.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Performance: Habenichts_in – Carrot Root
A performance as part of Back to Athens - Sludge pour Sludge. At 9 pm Athens time and 8 pm Vienna time.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Talk with Sof Fachouridou, Milena Nowak und Lars* Kollros
The discussion "Digital Cultures between Art, SciFi and Contemporary Possibilities" takes place as part of Back to Athens - Sludge pour Sludge. At 7:30 p.m. Athens time and 6:30 p.m. Vienna time.
Artist Talk
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Greece -
Artist Talk: Tal Adler and Osama Zatar about the OneState Embassy
Artist Talk as part of Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. At 8 p.m. Athens time and 7 p.m. Vienna time.
Artist Talk
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Performance: Habenichts_in – Carrot Root
A performance as part of Back to Athens - Sludge pour Sludge. At 10pm Athens time and 9pm Vienna time.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Discussion: Axel Stockburger und Paul Feigelfeld
Discussion contribution by Axel Stockburger and Paul Feigelfeld as part of Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. 8:30 p.m.
Athens time / 7:30 p.m. Vienna timeDiscussion
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
Performance: Resistance, Body, Sound and Vibrations
A performance by Carrot Root, Milena Nowak and Lars* Kollros as part of Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. At 9 p.m. Athens time and 10 p.m. Vienna time.
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33
KinderuniKunst 2024 1st to 12th of July
More information and registration at
Registration ends on Monday, June 25, 2024, until 11 am.Registration
Reading by Anne Schmidt: Me after two anal orgasms
The artist Anne Schmidt will read an excerpt from her first published novel, Me after two anal orgasms (2023), in the context of the exhibiton Come as You Are. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023.
Reading (German)
Kunsthalle Wien
1040 ViennaAcademy
Die aktuelle Bedeutung von Mode für die extreme Rechte in Europa und den USA
NeoFashFarRight is an in-depth fashion studies research that investigates the current role of fashion for the far right in Europe and the US. At the “Lange Nacht der Forschung” Teresa Fischer (MA, PraeDoc) will give a short introduction to the project and present first research results. Visitors will also have the chance of listening into “Style Struggles”, our freshly produced podcast series.
Lecture (German)
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
University Library (M7)Education in the Arts