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List of entries

  • On Screen


    Studio Building
    Lehargasse 8
    1060 Vienna
    1.floor north, Tribune

    Fine Arts

    360 Grad Kameraufnahme im Inneren des MUMOK während der Renovierungsarbeiten.
  • Perma

    Postwachstum, Eco feminist, Responsible, Mutual, Agitation: Lectures by Stefanie Wuschitz, Victor Mazón, Guely Morató Loredo and Fatrisia


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

  • Portfolio consulting ÖH

    Students of the Institute for Education in the Arts (IKL) provide individual feedback on artistic/design portfolios with a view to the entrance examination for the bachelor's degree programs in Art and Education and Design in Context.

    Study information

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
    1070 Vienna
    Students' kitchen 2.10

    Education in the Arts

  • Akademie Auction 2025

    The annual online auction of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna, takes place again in 2025. The online auction takes place from Tuesday, 7.1. to Friday 17.1.2025. The artistic works can be viewed from Wednesday, 15.1. to Friday, 17.1.2025 at the Prospekthof of the Atelierhaus of the Academy.



  • Home is a place that feels like baking

    Exhibition based on the special lecture “Waste is optional: Between Artistic Agency and Gaze”.


    Kurzbauergasse 9
    1020 Wien
    Werkstatt für Abform- und Gusstechniken

    Fine Arts

  • prospects [Ende in Sicht]

    Together with the painter Susa Blaufuß and the theater maker Nora Strömer, Emil Borgeest invites visitors to a melancholic spectacle in the gallery of the Semperdepot, focusing on backdrops and the use of it.


    Studio Building
    Lehárgasse 8
    1060 Vienna
    3. floor Scenography class

    Art and Architecture

  • Augasse 2-6
    1090 Vienna
    Kern N

    Conservation – Restoration

  • Info desk Student Welcome Center

    The Student Welcome Center offers information and counselling on the study programs, requirements, admission examinations and studying and living in Vienna.

    Study information

    Schillerplatz/ E7

    Student Service

  • We love Riso

    Open printing workshop with Franziska Thurner and Helena Schmidt.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
    1070 Vienna
    Room 1.07

    Education in the Arts

  • Competition for barrier-free access: Talk and coming together

    Presentation of all submissions to the competition for barrier-free access to the main building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, during the tour from January 16th to 19th 2025.


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

  • Information booth International Office

    The International Office is a central point of contact for international exchange at the Academy of Fine Arts. 

    Study information

    International Office
    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Room E9

  • Study information Architecture for the study year 2025/26

    Study information by the Institute for Art and Architecture.

    Study information

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Room 203b

    Art and Architecture

  • Augasse 2-6
    1090 Vienna
    Kern N

    Conservation – Restoration

  • Concert and Bar

    Two live concerts - TONAL SHIFT und LOVE EMBASSY - and a DJ Set: 1234509876ANA by the Studio for Art and Image | Graphics.

    Concert and bar

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Ground floor
    Hallway in front of E12

    Fine Arts

  • Cups, Cups, Cups

    Hey, grab yourself a cup, it's tea time! On January the 16th, 18th, and 19th, during Rundgang on the first floor above the kitchen at Kurzbauergasse 9, a cozy corner with tea, coffee and ceramics for sale will be open to guests.

    Ceramics, Tea, Coffee and Cozy

    Sculpture Studios
    Kurzbauergasse 9
    1020 Vienna
    1. floor above the kitchen

    Fine Arts

  • Performances

    Studio Art and Intervention /Concept/ Post-conceptual Art Practices / Prof. Marina Gržinić


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

  • bluish - Premiere with Q&A at the Metro Kinokulturhaus

    A film by Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner (AT 2024, 83min). Lilith Kraxner studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under Dorit Margreiter in the Video and Video Installation class.


    Metro Kinokulturhaus
    Johannesgasse 4
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Bassena Tratsch

    A performance by Flávia Mudesto.


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • Video-Screening Titel und AFK

    A video-screening by Video II.


    Sculpture Studios
    Kurzbauergasse 9
    1020 Vienna
    Room 1.33

    Fine Arts

    Das Poster zeigt die Nahaufnahme einer Nahaufnahme des Gesichts der Marmorskulptur "Hexe bei der Toilette für die Walpurgisnacht" der jüdischen Bildhauerin Teresa Feodorowna Ries aus dem Jahr 1895 und die Hand des Filmemachers beim Auslösen der Aufnahme. Der Text auf dem Poster kündigt das Video-Screening "Titel" beim Rundgang an, das täglich um 17:00h im Computerraum des Bildhauereigebäudes stattfindet.
  • Opening Open Days 2024

    Official Opening of Rundgang 2025 with Johan F. Hartle (Rector), Ingeborg Erhart (Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching), and Werner Skvara (Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Sustainability).


    Sculpture Studios
