List of entries
Let’s wait for the group
Chambre d'amis, Raum für aktuelle Kunst (Fachbereich Video- und Videoinstallation) mit Ksenia Aksenova, Anna Daniell, Agnieszka Golaszewska, Ray Hegelbach, Nora Joung, Jessica McMillan, Helle Siljeholm und Istvan Virag.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Nord
Fine Arts
Art and Technology as Factors of Social Change
Guest lecture by Amor Muñoz organized by Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program.
Electricity for sale
Fine Arts
Barthes, 100
Eine Kooperation zwischen EIKON und der Klasse Kunst und Fotografie, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.
Öffnungszeit: Täglich 10.00 - 22.00 hEröffnung
EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue, Q21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Fine Arts
The Artist Job Description: A proposal for a practice led artistic research for the employment of the artist, as an artist, inside the art institution
Guest lecture by Vijai Patchineelam organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts
Sag Du es Deinem Kinde - Nationalsozialismus in der eigenen Familie
Hg. von Friedemann Derschmidt
Mit Beiträgen von Robert und Brigitte Brown, Bernhard, Eckhart und Wiltrud Derschmidt, Wolfgang Freidl, Mathilde Furtenbach, Ambros Gruber, Anton und Irmgard Jiresch, Shimon Lev, Herbert W. Rabl, Margit Reiter, Klaus Schönberger, Agnes Suda, Luise und Simon Wascher sowie Dietmar Weixler.
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Fine Arts
An exhibition of the Intaglio Printing at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with etchings from students, graduates and staff.
Exhibition dates
artunited, Glasergasse 4A, 1090 Wien
Fine Arts
To see yourself
Guest lecture by Lada Nakonechna organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts
Queering the discourse: Questions of performativity and subjectivities
Guest lecture by Aneta Stojnić organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts
Agnes Denes’s Wheatfield (1982/2015): Fantasy, Critique, Speculation
Lecture by Kirsten Swenson organized by Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Sabeth Buchmann (IKW) and Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program (IBK).
Universitat Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Department of Art History) Universitatscampus, AKH Hof 9, 1090 Wien, Eingang: Garnisongasse Ecke BeethovengasseSeminar Room 1, 9.2
Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
An exhibition of the Intaglio Printing at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with etchings from students, graduates and staff.
artunited, Glasergasse 4A, 1090 Wien
Fine Arts
Blick das
Performance 19.10. 2015, 21.00 h
Eine Kooperation des Fachbereichs Kunst und Fotografie mit dem Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
Schillerplatz/ Aula
Fine Arts
Blick das
Performance 19.10. 2015, 21.00 h
Eine Kooperation des Fachbereichs Kunst und Fotografie mit dem Institut für Sprachkunst, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien.
Fine Arts
Are You Crazy?: Unconditional Hospitality in Contemporary Art
Guest Lecture by Irina Aristarkhova organized by Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program (IBK).
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts
Das Phantom der Erinnerung
Vorführung des Films von Friedemann Derschmidt im Rahmen des Jüdischen Filmfestivals 2015.
De France, Schottenring 5, 1010 Wien
Fine Arts
Fellowship with the blue boat
Eine Veranstaltung des Fachbereichs Konzeptuelle Kunst in Kooperation mit Kültür Gemma, Secession, Brunnenpassage.
Schillerplatz/ Aula
Fine Arts
Who is talking about Art? | An intervention from a transdecolonial perspective into arts
Lecture organized by Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program (IBK) and Elke Krasny, Art and Education (IKL) and Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien. Moderation of the talks after the lectures by artist and activist Marissa Lôbo.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
Lía Garcia (La Novia) talks about a proper work
Lecture organized by Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program (IBK) and Elke Krasny, Art and Education (IKL) and Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien. Moderation of the talks after the lectures by artist and activist Marissa Lôbo.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
From here to there and back again
Where is Here? Where is There? Who am I? How do I look at life and why?
Lecture by Orit Ishay organized by Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program (IBK) and Elke Krasny, Art and Education (IKL).
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
Fragments of Empire | Collaborative Futures
A collaboration between the Institute for Education in the Arts/Fashions and Styles (IKL) and Postconceptual Art (PCAP)/Institute for Fine Arts (IBK).
24.06.2015: 15.00 – 20.30 h
25.06.2015: 17.00 – 20.15 h
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
Diplompräsentationen des Fachbereichs Kunst und Film
Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, Akademiestraße 13, 1010 Wien
Fine Arts
Open Archive of Ukrainian Media Art: “Media Art History in Ukraine” | Guest lecture by Ianina Prudenko
Guest lecture with screenings and presentation of the site of Open archive of Ukrainian media art archive. This lecture is possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria. The lecture is taking part within the symposium Fragments of Empire . A collaboration between the Institute for Education (IKL) in the Arts/Fashions and Styles and Postconceptual Art Practices (PCAP) /Institute for Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
BE A B-STAR | Performance artist attracts crowd and big money
Im Rahmen der LV von Sabine Marte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fachbereich für Performative Kunst (IBK).
Schillerplatz/ EA3
Fine Arts
On the Horns of A Dilemma: Contemporary Art Between the Regional and the Transnational | Guest lecture by Alexander Alberro
Guest lecture supported by Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien. Organized by Noit Banai, Institute for Art History, University Vienna, Sabeth Buchmann, Institute for Art Throty and Cultural Studies, and Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program, Institute for Fine Arts.
Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Department of Art History), Universitätscampus AKH Hof 9, A-1090 Wien (Entrance to Hof 9: Garnisongasse corner of Beethovengasse, Seminar Room 1 - Entrance door: 9.2)
Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
On the Art of (Re)membering Resistances | Guest lecture by Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur
Guest lecture moderated by Njideka Stephanie Iroh, organized by Elke Krasny, Institute for Education in the Arts, Art and Communication, Noit Banai, Institute for Art History. University Vienna, and Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program, Institute for Fine Arts.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Fine Arts , Education in the Arts
Zwei Überlegungen zu Produktionsäthetik
Kunyik und Gelardo im Chambre d'amis, Raum für aktuelle Kunst (Fachbereich Video- und Videoinstallation).
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Nord
Fine Arts
Decolonizing Knowledge | Lecture performance by Grada Kilomba
Lecture performance by Grada Kilomba followed by a talk in between Grada Kilomba, Clifford Erinmwionghae and Marissa Lôbo.
The lecture is organized as part of the Kültürgemma Fellowship for 2014/2015 awarded to Clifford Erinmwionghae project “Interactive Photography” and in collaboration with two institutions: Secession, Brunnenpassage and the Post Conceptual Study Program (PCAP)/IBK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien
Fine Arts
Masochistic Performances on Intersectional Identities | Lecture performance by Ashley Bailey
Lecture organized by Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Marina Grzinic and Julischka Stengele, Post Conceptual Art Study Program.
Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Department of Art History), Universitätscampus AKH Hof 9, A-1090 Wien (Entrance to Hof 9: Garnisongasse corner of Beethovengasse, Seminar Room 1 - Entrance door: 9.2)
Fine Arts
European Kunsthalle zu Gast bei Chambre d´amis
Forbidden Symmetries von Katrin Mayer im Cambre d'amis (Fachbereich Video- und Videoinstallation) auf Einladung der European Kunsthalle
Letter 01 (European Kunsthalle), Vienna 2015
Lace-Making and Penrose Tiling
Entwurf und Ausführung von Dorothee Goerke und Katrin MayerAtelierhaus/ Atelier Nord
Fine Arts