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List of entries

  • Finding Healing and Creating Cultural Identities through Textiles: On the Power of Precolonial Aawambo Attire and Traditional Nama Patchwork Practice

    Lunch-Lectures by Maria A.N. Caley and Loini Iizyenda, University of Namibia, Windhoek
    Fashion & Styles as part of the courses "Gesellschaft und Gestaltung" & "moden | styles | identitäten" organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Memes. Formen und Folgen eines Internetphänomens

    Lecture by Joanna Nowotny und Julian Reidy with in the frame of the Lecture Series #Didaktik, curated by Elke Krasny and Maren Polte together with Sophie Lingg and Helena Schmidt, organized by the Program for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Program Art Education at the Bern University of the Arts.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Doubt as Potential for Teachers in post-digital Times

    Lecture Series #Didaktik, curated by Elke Krasny and Maren Polte together with Sophie Lingg and Helena Schmidt, organized by the Program for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Program Art Education at the Bern University of the Arts.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Digital Sovereignty: Concerns of urban digital politics

    In the frame of the lecture series #Didaktik, curated by Elke Krasny and Maren Polte together with Sophie Lingg and Helena Schmidt. Organized by the Program for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Program Art Education at the Bern University of the Arts.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

    Schwarz-weiß-Foto auf der eine mit Zetteln beklebte Säule zu sehen ist und die Aufschrift "Big data is watching you".
  • Dreams of Milk

    The studio collective of the IKL invites you to its first group exhibition entitled Dreams of Milk to undertake an imaginary journey through the metamorphoses of bodies and definitions of the human.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.12

    Education in the Arts

    Drei sich umarmende, stilisierte Figuren mit einem Smartphone, umrahmt von an Jugendstil angelehnten Decore-Elementen (u.a. Pflanzen und Feuer) in Euter-Form.
  • Fences, Insects, Embroideries (material communities)

    The exhibition is part of WIENWOCHE 2022 and corresponds to the research project ‘Two Ore Mountains: Feminist Ecologies of Spatial Practices’, by Karin Reisinger, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Neulinggasse 38
    1030 Wien

    Education in the Arts

    The image shows a recent exploratory drilling for copper in Nautanen, a forlorn mining town in Sápmi / Northern Sweden. The excavated material was left back in the landscape. The color of the material (orange) contrasts with the landscape which is seemingly untouched.
  • Performing Care – Practicing Design!

    A series of artistic-performative events and workshops – all specifically for participation – focusing on emancipatory, sustainable and resilient design in urban contexts.

    Exhibition and Workshops

    Festivalzentrale in der GASSE
    Esterházygasse 22
    1060 Wien

    Education in the Arts

  • Performances

    In the Framework of Fences, Insects, Embroideries (material communities) (WienWoche)


    Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Neulinggasse 38
    1030 Vienna

    Education in the Arts

  • On Living in Extractive Areas

    Workshop (EN) with Katarina Pirak Sikku and Miriam Vikman in the framework of the exhibition Fences, Insects, Embroideries (material communities) (WienWoche)


    Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Neulinggasse 38
    1030 Vienna

    Education in the Arts

  • Architectures and Spaces of Migration

    Symposium in the context of the DFG network Entangled Histories of Art and Global Migration in cooperation with IG-Architectur. Conceptualized and organized by Burcu Dogramaci (Munich), Elke Gaugele (Vienna), Kerstin Pinther (Berlin) und Mona Schieren (Bremen)


    Diverse Locations

    Education in the Arts

  • Fences, Insects, Embroideries (material communities)

    Exhibition opening with Handarbetscafé Gällivare-Malmberget (Karina Jarrett and Eeva Linder)
    Welcome: Geologische Bundesanstalt (Robert Supper, Holger Paulick, Thomas Hofmann) and Swedish Embassy (EN)

    Opening and Workshop

    Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Neulinggasse 38
    1030 Vienna

    Education in the Arts

    The image shows a recent exploratory drilling for copper in Nautanen, a forlorn mining town in Sápmi / Northern Sweden. The excavated material was left back in the landscape. The color of the material (orange) contrasts with the landscape which is seemingly untouched.
  • On Dealing with Loss

    Embroidery workshop (EN) with Handarbetscafé Gällivare-Malmberget (Karina Jarrett and Eeva Linder) in the framework of the exhibition Fences, Insects, Embroideries (material communities) (WienWoche)


    Geologische Bundesanstalt
    Neulinggasse 38
    1030 Vienna

    Education in the Arts

  • RE:Ukraine System. Architectural response to the challenges of war

    Lecture by Slava Balbek, Kyiv (in Englisch); Moderation: Michaela Geboltsberger, ig-architektur, Austria

    Lecture by Slava Balbek

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • lost traces merging minds

    The exhibition lost traces merging minds shows master projects developed in the course Artistic Practice / Artistic Art Education Practice by Isa Rosenberger at the Institute for Education in the Arts (IKL) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    Studio Building/ ground floor, north

    Education in the Arts

    flyer of the exhibition on purple background
  • Verwurzelt & Verwinkelt

    Excerpt of a station theater by Rebecca Hartmann in the context of the exhibition lost traces merging minds.

    Station Theater

    Studio Building/ ground floor, north

    Education in the Arts

    flyer of the exhibition on purple background
  • Guided tour through the exhibition lost traces merging minds

    Guided tour through the exhibition lost traces merging minds with present artists.

    Guided Tour

    Studio Building/ ground floor, north

    Education in the Arts

    flyer of the exhibition on purple background
  • Formschöner Unisexbauch

    Performance with objects by Stefanie Weber in the context of the exhibition lost traces merging minds.

    Studio Building/ ground floor, north

    Education in the Arts

    flyer of the exhibition on purple background

    Artist Talk by Irene Agrivina in the context of the Feminist Hardware Festival at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Artist Talk (english)

    Schillerplatz/ Anatomy Hall

    Education in the Arts

    Exhibition view with blue-grey fabric bundles tied together to a large object and hanging from the ceiling, around small sotff bundles in glass showcases
  • Sex education! Impulses for multiprofessional cooperation in and around school

    The discussion aims to strengthen and develop multiprofessional cooperation around sex education in school. Actors from schools, sex education, research and teacher education discuss possibilities and challenges from their perspective as teachers, social workers, sex educators, researchers, policy makers and teacher educators.

    Panel discussion (german)

    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.12

    Education in the Arts

    Flyer of the event with black text of the title and date on white paper
  • Feminist Hardware Festival

    Workshops, lectures, performances and exhibitions will discuss artistic, anti-colonial alternatives to sexist, toxic and exploitative supply chains.

    Exhibtions | Workshops | Artist Talks | Performances

    different Locations

    Education in the Arts

    Exhibtion element with a dark background
  • Step by Step towards Inclusion. Expectations, Experiences and Encounters in Schools and Universities

    Christine Drexler, Inclusive Education Office, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/University College of Teacher Education Vienna. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

  • Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education

    An eventseries of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education, Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

    Watercolor Painting, three People siluettes in red color stand around three people sitting in a wheelchair which is drawn in black.
  • #Didaktik - Franziska Thurner

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • #Didaktik

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK Articulations, Algorithms, Infrastructures and Social Media in Critical Art Education in Digital Times takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.

    Lecture series

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • One Day Exhibition IKL: Auf jeden Fall bewegt es sich

    Presentation by Stefanie F. Weber as part of the One Day Exhibitions series.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.01

    Education in the Arts

    Flyer of the exhibition One Day Exhibition with Text and a picture in the middle
  • pornotopia revised

    Curated by Sarah Held, Sylvia Sadzinski


    WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien

    Education in the Arts

  • Exhibition tour pornotopia revised

    Exhibition tour with the curators Sarah Held, Sylvia Sadzinski

    WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus
    Währinger Straße 59
    1090 Wien

    Education in the Arts

  • moden | styles | identitäten – fashion as cultural interventions

    NI EN MORE (Cd. Juàrez, MX)

    NI EN MORE is a non-profit social innovation project and clothing brand, that merges political activism against femicides, fashion and art.

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Space. Ability. Inclusive Education.

    Tobias Buchner, Professor at the Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich/ University of Education Upper-Austria, Department of Inclusive Education. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

  • One Day Exhibition IKL: You Are Not Alone

    Mirjana Mustra, with Daria Polishchuk
    Unfortunately, the exhibition must be postponed due to illness, the new date will be announced as soon as possible.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
    1070 Wien
    Raum 3.01

    Education in the Arts