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  • We are inside

    In a cooperation with the IHS, students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna exhibit their artworks at the Palais Strozzi.


    Palais Strozzi, Salon
    Josefstädter Straße 39
    1080 Vienna

    Fine Arts


    A cooperation between the printing workshops of the University of Arts Linz and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. From 2 July 2024, the gallery of the MAERZ artists' association will be showing selected works by 15 students from the two art academies.


    Künstler- und Künstlerinnenvereinigung MAERZ
    Eisenbahngasse 20
    4020 Linz

    Fine Arts

    blue background with yellow letters
  • Making Expansive

    The exhibition Making Expansive, curated by Catherine Li, is part of the Curator-in-Residence program of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum London and Central Saint Martins - University of Arts London.


    Austrian Cultural Forum London
    28 Rutland Gate
    SW7 1PQ

    Fine Arts

  • Zwischenwurzeln - Cooperation with the Climate Biennale 2024

    The students of Art and Intervention I Environment at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna explored the Styrian Eisenwurzen region for several months in 2023.


    Festivalareal Norwestbahnhof
    Nordwestbahnstraße 16
    1200 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • the_print_fest

    the_print_fest is an open format to enable art related education, tacit- and peer-learning experiences, and awareness of the divers works of cultural and artistic practices, in an open access setting.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Intaglio Printing Workshop S13

    Fine Arts

  • Mirjana Mustra: Turning Points

    Exhibition from Mirjana Mustra supported by the Studio Art and Intervention | Concept at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    BahnhofCity Wien West
    Europaplatz 1-3
    1150 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Memento Mori

    As part of the memento mori series, students from the University of Arts Linz and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna are showing sculptural installations and video works in the Ursulinenkirche Linz.


    Landstraße 31
    4020 Linz

    Fine Arts

  • VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Conversations | 6 Languages

    On October 4, 2023, the artistic installation will open at the Alma Rosé Plateau. It thematizes the multi-layered lives of six people who share them in conversation with different audiences.


    Alma Rosé-Plateau
    Hofburg, Heldenplatz
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Eine Wand mit Gesichtern (A wall with faces)

    Painting by Fabian Köttl on the KUNSTWAND at WIEN MITTE The Mall. Winning project of a tender by WIEN MITTE in cooperation with the Faculty Studio Expanded Pictorial Space of Univ. Prof. Daniel Richter.


    KUNSTWAND WIEN MITTE The Mall, 1st Floor

    Fine Arts

    Art wall at Wien Mitte showing the artwork of Fabian Köttl
  • The House of Plausible, Probable, Possible and Preferable Futures

    Students from the studio Art and Time | Photography have been invited to showcase and present their work for the 14th OFF Bratislava, festival of photography. The students each deal freely with the topic of this years photography festival with their own personal perspective and take on the matter.


    Kunsthalle Bratislava
    SNP Square 12

    Fine Arts

  • Zwischenwurzeln

    An exhibition project by the studio Expanded Pictorial Space-Action/Sculpture/Installation.


    Forstmuseum Silvanum
    Großreifling 33
    8931 Landl

    Fine Arts

  • We are inside

    In a cooperation with the IHS, students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna exhibit their artworks at the Palais Strozzi.


    Palais Strozzi, Salon
    Josefstädter Straße 39
    1080 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Life on its own

    Life on Its Own is a group exhibition with students from the Object Sculpture department at the Institute for Fine Arts by Julian Göthe, Gabriele Edelbauer and Michael Part.


    Kunstraum Schwaz
    Palais Enzenberg
    Franz-Josef-Straße 27
    A-6130 Schwaz

    Fine Arts

    Ausstellungsansicht mit diversen Kunstobjekten in einem hellen weißen Raum
  • Vienna Neue Kühlschrank Show

    An exhibition by graduates and students of the Department of Expanded Pictorial Space at the Institute for Fine Arts, curated by Prof. Daniel Richter.


    Krinzinger Schottenfeld
    Schottenfeldgasse 45
    1070 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    exhibition view with paintings on the wall
  • Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation

    The Austrian Cultural Forum London in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Central Saint Martins London presents Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation, an exhibition featuring the work of twelve early-career artists who work across installation, performance, painting, sculpture, sound and new media.


    Austrian Cultural Forum London
    28 Rutland Gate
    London SW7 1PQ

    Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Sideshadowing

    An Exhibition of the studio for Sculpture and Installation.


    KS Room: Dörfl 1
    8333 Kornberg
    (reachable by train and bike via Feldbach an der Raab)

    Fine Arts

    Die Einladungskarte zeigt eine mit dem Computer simulierte Raumsituation, die den Schatten einer fiktiven Person am Eingang zum Ausstellungsraum inmitten des von der Sonne projizierten Türabschnitts schwarz an die Wand wirft.
  • Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation

    Opening of the exhibition Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation at the Austrian Cultural Forum London in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Central Saint Martins London. An exhibition featuring the work of twelve early-career artists who work across installation, performance, painting, sculpture, sound and new media.


    Austrian Cultural Forum London
    28 Rutland Gate
    London SW7 1PQ

    Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Das Edith - Edition of the studio for graphic arts and printmaking techniques

    The Edith is an annual edition of the studio for graphic arts and printmaking techniques of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Release and Vernissage

    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, E12

    Fine Arts

  • In Translation — The Contexts of Nature

    An exhibition of the  studio forArt and Photography. Organized by Michael Höpfner, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and Chen Ping, Cultural Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Austria.


    Ll-Room 102 Park View Gallery
    Sea World Culture & Arts center, 1187
    Wangh.ii Rd.
    Nanshan Dist.,
    Shenzhen, China

    Fine Arts


    Installation by hezelschaaf (Collaboration of Cecilia Schaaf and Simon Hezel) on the KUNSTWAND in Wien Mitte The Mall. Winning project of a tender by Wien Mitte in cooperation with Univ.-Prof. Daniel Richter and the Studio for Expanded Pictorial Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    Wien Mitte The Mall
    1. Ebene
    Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1b
    1030 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    Front view of the art wall with the artwork by hezelschaaf.
  • Contain a Converse

    Temporary art project by students of the Studio Expanded Pictorial Space-Action/Sculpture/Installation

    Performaces, concerts, installations and sculpural works

    Art container at the Christmas market Karlsplatz

    Fine Arts

    Foto der Performance im Kunstcontainer
  • Fotografie am Brillantengrund

    An exhibition of the Studio Art and Photography.


    Am Brillantengrund, Bandgasse 4, 1070 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    An exhibition by the studio of Art and Photography.
  • Remember Teach Nature

    For the exhibition Teach Nature, students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna have explored the significance of nature for art production. Their works have been inspired by visits to Austrian national parks as well as interviews with scientists and caretakers in the parks.


    POP-UP Galerie AVU | Křížkovského 10, Praha 3

    Fine Arts

    Two people with one fish and one bear mask
  • Teach Nature

    An exhibition in cooperation with the KUNSTHAUS WIEN. For the exhibition Teach Nature, students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna have explored the significance of nature for art production.


    Untere Weißgerberstraße 13
    Garage and inner court yard
    1030 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    Picture of a person wearing a panda mask with a pink background and a person with a fish mask with a blue background

    A group exhibition of Francis Ruyter’s class for Figurative Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    Hilger NEXT Gallery
    Brotfabrik Wien
    Absberggasse 27
    1100 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    17 visitors discuss the works in the gallery. There are 8 paintings on the three walls and three pedestals in the room.
  • Queering the KHM

    In the course of a cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts, students and graduates of the Contextual Painting class under the direction of Ashley Hans Scheirl were invited to highlight the queer and intersectional diversity of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.


    Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    A photograph of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna with the green-yellow logo of the event series on top of it.
  • Climb the invisible ladder

    An exhibtion of the students of the studio Expanded Pictorial Space Action/Sculpture/Installation in Public Space.

    Exhibition and book presentation

    Sculpture Studios/ EG 35

    Fine Arts

  • Parallel Vienna Editions

    For the second time, PARALLEL VIENNA EDITIONS will take place from 12.5. to 15.5. 2022 at the Atelierhaus of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8.

    Studio Building

    Fine Arts

    On view are works by Students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna at the Studiobuilding Lehargasse during Parallel Edition Art Fair 2021.
  • Where is the body?

    The group exhibition Where is the body? arises from a collaboration in the framework of an Erasmus + Blended Intensive Program between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and the Estonian Academy of Arts.


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • Reflections on Caliban and the Witch

    The starting point for the exhibition by the Studio Art and Photography, Martin Guttmann is Silvia Federici's book Caliban and the Witch, published in 2004. The political philosopher and activist analyses different forms of paid and unpaid reproductive labour against the background of capitalist social systems.


    Atelierhaus/ Prospekthof, Tor 2

    Fine Arts